Print Product Variant Standard Cost Comparison (tiapl3440m100)

Use this session to compare the product variant standard costs between cost calculation codes, product variants or calculation dates.

Field Information

Compare by

Specify the entity with which you want to compare the standard costs.

Allowed values

Product Variant

The standard costs are compared by product variant.

Calculation Date

The standard costs are compared by the date they were calculated.

Cost Calculation Code

The standard costs are compared by cost calculation code.

Cost Calculation Code

cost calculation code


The cost calculation code with which the calculation code in the Cost Calculation Code field is compared.

Note: Only available if the Cost Calculation Code option is selected in the Compare by field.
Product Variant

product variant


The product variant with which the product variant in the Product Variant field is compared.

Note: Only available if the Product Variant option is selected in the Compare by field.
Calculation Date

The date for which you want to make the comparison of standard cost calculation data.


The calculation date with which the calculation date in the Calculation Date field is compared.

Note: Only available if the Calculation Date option is selected in the Compare by field.