Processing Sales Order Line

Start Sales > Sales Orders > Sales Orders > Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000).

After sales orders are created, sales order approval is a mandatory step in the sales order procedure. The execution of the order procedure activities can start when a user approves the order, either in the Approve Sales Orders (tdsls4211m000) session, or by clicking Approve on the appropriate menu of the Sales Orders (tdsls4100m000) session or the Sales Order (tdsls4100m900) session. The approval of the sales order also triggers the sales order line execution if all activities on the order type are set to automatic.

For more information on scenarios where assembled end items are sold and put on stock first, before being shipped through a sales order, refer to Product variants in Warehousing.

Note: If you send the item to the customer immediately upon completion of the assembly order, you only need the generic item. If a generic item has an associated standard item, you can still enter the generic item on a sales order line. If you enter the generic item on a sales order line, LN sets the Delivery Type field on the sales order line to Work Center and you cannot store the finished item in inventory.