Delete Assembly Orders

You can delete the assembly orders for which the work has not started yet. The assembly orders that you want to delete must not be frozen which implies that none of the related line station orders are frozen.

You can delete the assembly orders from the following sessions:

  • Assembly Line - Line Mix (tiasc2501m000): appropriate > Delete Assembly Orders

  • Assembly Orders (tiasc2502m000): appropriate > Delete Assembly Orders


Deletion of assembly orders - Required conditions

The assembly order must be in the Created or Sequenced status and

  • None of its related line station orders are frozen.
  • No supply messages for assembly parts are already generated and transferred to Warehousing or Order Management.

Assembly order deletion-Important Points

  • The deletion of an assembly order can only be initiated from the main assembly line also known as the roll-off line. In case of a multicompany assembly model, when you delete the assembly order on the main line, the related assembly orders on the supplying assembly lines are also deleted provided all related assembly orders on the supplying lines fulfill the conditions specified above. If one of the linked assembly orders on supplying lines cannot be deleted, the assembly order on the main line cannot be deleted either.

  • The deletion of an assembly order is not allowed if the assembly order or one of its linked suppling assembly order is blocked. A message is displayed to inform the user about the order that has a blocking reason that must be resolved first before the assembly order can be deleted.

  • The deletion of an assembly order means that the assembly order including its contents (operations, material requirements and so on) is deleted from the system. The assembly part requirements (part allocation) are updated accordingly.

  • The deletion of an assembly order results in its removal from the line mix and line segment sequence. This means that the position of the deleted assembly order is made available again for line mixing and sequencing.

    You must (re)generate line mix and/or use sequencing engine to also reflect the changes in the line mix and line segment sequence.

  • The deletion of an assembly order results in the update of line utilization to reflect the new line utilization.

  • The deletion of an assembly order that has the Sequenced status results in the item serial inventory being set to 0 as the item on an assembly order is always serialized.