The repository procedure

This procedure creates model items you can use as building blocks for a business model.

Apart from support applications, you can link a text to all model items to provide them with more information. These texts can be created in the repository and in the business model.

To start the text editor in the repository:

  • Click Edit Rep. Help
  • If a repository help text has been created for a model item, the Repository Help check box in the corresponding session is selected.
  • To view a model item’s repository help, click View Repository Help.

If a text has been created in a business model, it can be lost when a project model is created based on a reference model, or the other way around.

Because the new text from the reference model is a copy and not a link, the original text in the project model is no longer present when you make changes to the text in the project model.

The repository texts and the model specific texts can be viewed in the business model. However, only the model-specific text can be modified. To modify the repository text, in the repository, edit the corresponding model item.

To create the model items required to construct a business model, you can use the LN repository sessions.

Run the sessions in this order:

  1. Current Modeling Version by User (tgbrg1110m000).
  2. Business Control Diagrams (tgbrg9550m000).
  3. Business Functions (tgbrg2500m000).
  4. Business Processes (tgbrg5500m000).
  5. Support Applications (tgbrg5170m000).
  6. Static Conditions (tgbrg5580m000).
  7. Employees (tgbrg8135m000).
  8. Roles (tgbrg8110m000).
  9. Rules (tgbrg7500m000).
  10. Wizards (tgbrg1500m000).