Tax Exemption Limit by Company (tftax2122m000)

Use this session to define the maximum amount that must be allowed under the tax exemption limit in the current fiscal year for the specific financial company.

Field Information

Tax Year

The tax year for which the tax exemption limit amount is defined.

Short Description of Year

The description or name of the code.

Tax Type

The tax type defines the type of transaction: purchase or sales.


The code of the financial company for which the tax exemption limit amount is defined.

Tax Exemption Limit

The maximum amount that can be exempted for the financial company.


The code of the local currency.

Amount Consumed

The part of the tax exemption limit that is used by liquidated VAT declarations.

Note: The sum of the Amount Consumed for all the letters that are sent to suppliers cannot exceed the upper limit assigned to the company.
Remaining Amount

The remaining balance amount that can be assigned to the tax exemption letter.