Print Summary VAT Report by BP (Portugal) (tfgld6425m000)

This functionality is specific for Portugal.

Use this session to print a report of the total purchase amounts or sales amounts including the tax amounts, for a range of business partners.

To specify the business partners, you must enter the business partners' tax numbers which you defined in the Tax Numbers by Business Partner (tctax4100m000) session.

Field Information

Report Type

The report type.

The report type reflects the invoice type, which can be Purchase or Sales.

Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for which you print the report.

Tax Number

The From and To fields define the range of tax numbers of the business partners for which you print the report.

Financial Company

The financial company for which you print the report.

Home Currency

The currency used for the report.

To change the currency, click Rotate Currency.

Minimum Amount

Tax numbers for which the total amount is less than this amount are excluded from the report.