Print Journal Book (tfgld5410m000)

This functionality is specific for Italy.

Use this session to print the journal book.

LN prints the reports in the company's local currency. The start date of each report is the date following the date on which you printed the previous report.

If you start this session with the standard Print command in the Journal Books (tfgld5510m000) session, LN reprints the most recently printed report, as indicated by the journal book status. You cannot enter or change the selection data.

If you start this session with the Reprint Journal Book - Multi Company command in the Journal Books (tfgld5510m000) session, you can enter a range of companies.

Field Information


The financial company for which you print the journal book.


The From and To fields define the range of financial companies for which you print the journal book.

If you start this session with the Reprint Journal Book - Multi Company command in the Journal Books (tfgld5510m000) session, you can enter a range of companies

Home Currency

The financial company's local currency.

Current Fiscal Year

The fiscal year for which you print the journal book.

Type of Journal Book

The report you want to print.

You can print the following journal book reports:

  • Preliminary

    A preliminary report of a journal book section. LN sets the journal book section status to Preliminary Printed.
  • Final

    The official report of a journal book section on legal paper. LN sets the journal book section status to Printed.
  • Summary

    The official report of the journal book summary on legal paper. LN sets the journal book section status to Summary Printed.
Journal Book Section

The journal book section for which you print the report.


The date following the date on which you printed the previous report.


The end date of the period for which you print the report.