Print Reconciliation Data (tfgld4495m000)

Use this session to print various type of reports that you can use for financial analysis.

Note: If the Post Variances in Approval Period check box is selected in the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session, the fiscal period of the variances is the period in which the approval of the invoice is posted and therefore the report displays the correct data.

You can print a number of reconciliation reports with various levels of detail. The reports are based on the reconciliation data that LN logs in the Reconciliation Data (tfgld495) table when you save or close a transaction in Operations Management.

  • Primary Selection

    Use the fields on the Primary Selection tab to set the main selection and report options.
  • Additional Print Criteria

    Use the fields on the Additional Print Criteria tab to make specific selections, especially when you print a detailed report.
  • Options

    Use the fields on the Options tab to select various other print options. The major selection options on this tab are located in the Group by and Specific Group by sections. These settings determine how reconciliation transactions are grouped together on the report. The default Group by option is based on the Basis for Final Acceptance field in the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session.

    The Business Object ID check box is selected if Basis for Final Acceptance is set to one of these values:

    • Business Object ID
    • Business Object ID + Balance Reference
    • Not Applicable

    The transactions that are grouped together are only printed if the balance of these transactions is greater than the value of the Tolerance for Printing Balances field, or greater than zero if Suppress Zero Balances is selected.

Note: To print reconciliation reports for the work in process (WIP) values of PCS projects, use the Print Reconciliation Data Project (PCS) Work In Process (tfgld4495m300) session.

Field Information

Primary Selection
Reconciliation Group
Reconciliation Group

To print the reconciliation data for a specific reconciliation group, select this check box.

If this check box is cleared, you print the reconciliation data for a specific ledger account. You can then only print a summary report that shows total balances per reconciliation group or print a flat report.

The Group by and Specific Group by options will not be available, because the default Group by option for each reconciliation group is determined by the value of the Basis for Final Acceptance field in the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session.

Note: Clearing this check box may substantially impact performance. We recommend that you do so only if you need to print reconciliation data for a ledger account that is used in multiple reconciliation groups.
Reconciliation Area

The reconciliation area of the reconciliation group for which you print the report.

Reconciliation Subarea

The reconciliation subarea of the reconciliation group for which you print the report.

The reconciliation group description if one is present.

Selection Range
Fiscal Year

financial period

Ledger Account

If the Reconciliation Group check box is cleared, you must specify a ledger account.

Report Selection
Print Summary Report

If this check box is selected, LN prints the totals for each selected grouping entity and a summary of the transactions grouped by the selected grouping entity.

If this check box is cleared, LN prints the totals for each selected grouping entity and a detailed report of the individual transactions grouped by the selected grouping entity.

Compare Reconciliation with Finalized General Ledger

If this check box is selected, LN prints a full specification of the entries on the selected ledger accounts.

Select this check box to print all the entries on the selected ledger accounts. LN checks whether the transactions in the reconciliation table are in balance with the ledger account history. If a difference exists, it is printed at the bottom of the report. This report includes the opening balance and the up-to-period balances.

You can select this check box and the Suppress Zero Balances check box to print a report of the ledger accounts that do not balance.

Print Transactions Not Logged in Reconciliation

If this check box is selected, LN prints a second report with a detailed overview of the finalized transactions that are not logged in reconciliation table.

Note: This field is only available if you selected Compare Reconciliation with Finalized General Ledger.
Print Flat Report

If this check box is selected, LN prints a flat report, that is, a report without selection details and (sub) totals. This report can easily be opened in, for example, Microsoft Excel. For this report also a Microsoft Report is available which can be printed via an External Reporting Service device type.

Home Currency

The home currency used for the amounts on the report.

From the Tools menu, choose Rotate Currency to switch home currencies.

Suppress Zero Balances

If this check box is selected, LN prints a report of only the transactions of which the balance is not zero.

Tolerance for Printing Balances

A threshold amount for printing balances of the grouped transactions.

  • If you enter 0.00, all transactions are printed, which equals leaving Suppress Zero Balances cleared.
  • If you enter 0.01, all transactions with a non-zero balance are printed, which equals selecting Suppress Zero Balances.
Additional Print Criteria
Additional Print Criteria
Integration Document Type

integration document type

Transaction Type

transaction type



Logistic Company

logistic company

Kind of Entry

The kind of transaction.

Reconciliation (Elements 1 - 5)

reconciliation element


To include the reconciliation data of a dimension type, select this check box.

Dimension Type

dimension type



Select Specific Business Object
Select Specific Business Object

To print the report for one business object or a range of business objects, select this check box.

Business Object

business object

Business Object Company

The company from which the business object originates.

Business Object ID

business object ID

Sort Position

sort position

Group by
Business Object ID

If this check box is selected, LN groups the transactions on the report by business object ID

The report also shows the totals per business object ID.

The Business Object ID check box is selected if, in the Reconciliation Groups (tcfin0120m000) session, Basis for Final Acceptance is set to one of these values:

  • Business Object ID
  • Business Object ID + Balance Reference
  • Not Applicable
Group by Business Object ID /Sort position

If this check box is selected, LN groups the transactions on the report by business object ID and sort position.

Balance Reference

If this check box is selected, the reconciliation data is finally accepted based on the balance reference and the transactions are sorted by balance reference on the error report and process report.

Specific Group by
Reconciliation Element

If this check box is selected, transactions are grouped by reconciliation element.

The reconciliation element used to group the transactions on the report.

Reconciliation Element Combination

The reconciliation data is grouped by combination of reconciliation elements up to and including this element.

For example, if these reconciliation elements are available:

  1. Item
  2. Project
  3. Warehouse

If you enter 2, the reconciliation data is grouped by item by project.

If you enter 3, the reconciliation data is grouped by item by project by warehouse.


If this check box is selected, LN groups the transactions on the report by dimension.

The report also shows the totals per dimension.

Integration Document Type

If this check box is selected, LN groups the transactions on the report by integration document type

The report also shows the totals per integration document type.

Include Opening Balance Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the opening balance transactions.

Include Unposted Reconciliation Corrections

If this check box is selected, LN includes any not yet posted reconciliation corrections in the report.

You can select this check box to check the effect of the corrections that you created in the Operations Management - Financial Reconciliation (tfgld4595m000) session before you post the corrections.

Include Non-Finalized Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints the reconciliation data of transactions that have not yet been posted to the General Ledger .

Note: For performance reasons, this field is initially hidden.
Print Only Non Accepted Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints only the reconciliation data of transactions that have not yet been approved.

Print Only Backdated Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints a report of only backdated transactions.

If the message "No data within selection" appears, no backdated transactions exist for the selected ranges.

Print Header Data once

If this check box is selected, LN prints the header data only once on the report.

You can select this check box to save space on the report, or if you print the data to a file.

Check Lifetime
Check Lifetime

If you clear the Compare Reconciliation with Finalized General Ledger check box, you can select this check box to select reconciliation data with or without pending transactions.

This option only applies to reconciliation groups for which the Basis for Final Acceptance is other than Not Applicable.

Select Data with Pending Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints a report only of reconciliation data with pending transactions.

For example, use this option for types of business objects that stay Open or Active during a number of financial periods or fiscal years.

Select Data without Pending Transactions

If this check box is selected, LN prints a report only of reconciliation data with no pending transactions.

You can select this check box and the Suppress Zero Balances check box to print a report of reconciliation data with no pending transactions that still has an open balance.

Details (Only applicable for the detailed reports)
Financial Details

If this check box is selected, LN prints the financial details on the report.

Select this check box to include this information in the report:

  • The kind of entry (Debit/Credit)
  • The dimension (if one of the dimensions is selected)
  • The ledger account

You cannot select this check box if you select Logistic Details.

Logistic Details

If this check box is selected, LN prints the logistic details of up to two reconciliation elements on the report.

You cannot select this check box if you select Financial Details.

Reconciliation Element

The reconciliation element of which the details are printed on the report.