Print Mapping Schemes Differences (tfgld4473m100)

Use this session to print revision texts, or to print the differences between mapping schemes and/or mapping scheme versions.

You can print the following reports:

  • The differences between two mapping schemes and versions. In the Print What field, select Two Mapping Schemes.
  • The differences between a mapping scheme and the Active mapping scheme. In the Print What field, select Mapping Scheme with Active Scheme.
  • The differences between a mapping scheme and the Active mapping scheme. In the Print What field, select Active Scheme with Scheme on date.
  • The revision texts of a range of mapping scheme versions, select the Print Revision Text Only check box.

Only the fields that correspond with your choices are enabled.

If you compare mapping scheme A with mapping scheme B, the report lists the default ledger accounts, integration document types, mapping elements and so on that were added, changed, or removed, in mapping scheme A compared to mapping scheme B.

Field Information

Print Revision Text Only

To print the revision texts of a range of mapping scheme versions, select this check box.

Mapping Scheme

The From and To fields define a range of: mapping schemes and versions for which you print the revision texts.

Compare Mapping Scheme/Version

The mapping scheme and version of which you wish to print the differences compared to another mapping scheme.

with Mapping Scheme/Version

The mapping scheme and version on which the comparison report is based.

Compare Mapping Scheme/Version

If you selected Active Scheme with Scheme on date in the Print What field, this is the Active mapping scheme and version.

with Mapping Scheme/Version Effective From

The mapping scheme and version that was Active on this date and time is compared with the currently Active mapping scheme.