Transaction Type Series (tfgld0114m000)

Use this session to view or change the last used document number for a particular transaction type.

When a new document number is used for the selected transaction type, the last used document number is incremented by 1.

Field Information

Transaction Type

Transaction Type


The description of the transaction type.

Number of Digits for Series

The field defines how many positions of the document number must be reserved for the series number.

This number is defined in the Number of Digits for Series field in the Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session.

Transaction Series

The series number makes it possible to reserve a range of document numbers for specific transaction types.

You must specify the series number you want to allocate to a selected transaction type.

If you enter a value other than 0, all the document numbers that are generated for the selected transaction type will begin with that number.

The number of positions for a series number depends on the value specified in the Number of Digits for Series field. The maximum position which can be defined is four. You can use the current year, for example, as the series number.

If you enter 0 for the series number, LN understands that no series number has been defined, so all the eight positions can be used for the document number.

Series Description

The description or name of the code.

Tax Year

The tax year of the document number.

For transaction types linked to a VAT book, this field is mandatory. VAT book transactions can only be processed if the tax year of the document number equals the transaction entry date of the batch.

Last Used Number

The first free number of the series.

For the first new document of the series, LN generates this serial number.

Last Batch Date

The transaction entry date of the most recent batch.

For transaction types linked to a VAT book, LN stores the last batch date.


If this check box is selected, the series cannot be used.

Registration Code

The tax registration code to be used for the financial company.


This field is applicable only if:

  • The Extended Registration Management field is other than Inactive in the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m100) session.
  • The Transaction Category field in the Transaction Types (tfgld0511m000) session is:
    • Sales Invoices
    • Sales Credit Notes
    • Purchase Invoices
    • Purchase Credit Notes
    • Journal Vouchers
    • Cash
  • The registration is defined for the current financial company.
Identification Number

The unique alphanumeric code issued by the tax registration authority. This code is used to identify the enterprise in the country of issue. The length and the structure of the ID differs by country and type.

Registration Type

The registration type for which the tax and registration data is displayed.

Note: This field is displayed only if the Multiple Registration Types check box is selected in the Global Registration Parameters (tctax2100m000) session.
Tax Country

The tax country for which the tax and registration data is displayed.

Tax State

The state of the tax country for which the tax and registration data is displayed.

Allowed for Other Registrations

Indicates the default registration code that is used in the financial document.

Allowed values

This is only set when the site is specified and Purchase Schedule in use check box is selected in the Item - Purchase (tdipu0601m000) session.
The field is only enabled if Apply Contract for All Items in Price Group checkbox is cleared and the item type is Product or Tool.
Not Applicable
This field is only visible if Subcontracting with Material Flow is selected in the Implemented Software Components (tccom0100s000) session.

By default, this field is set to Not Applicable.

If the Extended Registration Management concept is set to Active in the Concept Activation (tcemm4600m100) session, the registration code is not defined for the series for which this field must be set to Not Applicable.