Daily Cash Report (tfcmg2401m000)

Use this session to print daily cash reports, which consist of payments, receipts and journals in the specified range.

Enter the range for the bank, ledger accounts, financial batch, document, and document date.

Note: This session cannot print more than 100 anticipated ledger accounts. No limit exists on contra-accounts.

If LN encounters more than 100 ledger accounts, you see an error message. LN stops printing after the processed ledger accounts are printed.

Field Information

Anticipated Transaction Type

If this check box is selected, anticipated transaction types are also included in the daily cash report.

Non-Finalized Transactions

If this check box is selected, non finalized transactions are included in the daily cash report.

Print Details

If this check box is selected, LN prints a detailed daily cash report.

Type of Cash Transaction

The transaction type for which the report is printed.

Note: If the Print Details check box is selected, the value in this field must be All transactions.

Only receipts are included in the print details.


Only payments are included in the print details.


Only journals are included in the print details.


All the cash trasactions are included in the print details.

Home Currency

The code of the home currency


The description of the home currency.

Amounts in

The currency in which the daily cash report is printed.

Allowed values

Home Currency
Transaction Currency
Not Applicable