Reverse Posted Cost Allocation Results (tfcat4214m000)

Use this session to reverse the integration of iteration results for a specific transaction type.

You can reverse previously created transactions in the Accounts Payable module if an error is found, and then repeat the integration process.

Field Information

Financial Year

The financial year for which you want to reverse the transactions.

Financial period

The From and To fields define a range of: financial periods for which you want to reverse the transactions.

Financial period

The From and To fields define a range of: financial periods for which you want to reverse the transactions.

Transaction Type for Allocation Results

The transaction type used for the original integration. You can select a transaction type that was assigned to the transaction in the Cost Accounting Parameters (tfcat0100s000) session.

For example, if you want to reverse a transaction with a transaction date in the past, it is possible that the transaction type to be used was changed in the meantime in the Cost Accounting Parameters (tfcat0100s000) session. Instead of using the current transaction type, you can then select the transaction type of the original transaction.