Print Hierarchical Results - by Dimension (tfcat2450m000)

Use this session to print the hierarchical results for the selected range of dimensions. The hierarchical results are generated in the Generate Hierarchical Results (tfcat2251m000) session.

Field Information


The hierarchy code.


The description or name of the code.


The fiscal year code.

Short Description of Year

The description of year.


The budget code.


The description or name of the code.


The From and To fields define a range of: financial periods.

Dimension Type

The From and To fields define a range of: dimension types.

Parent Dimension

The From and To fields define a range of: parent dimensions.

Parent Dimension Sublevel

The From and To fields define a range of: parent dimension sublevels.

Child Dimension

The From and To fields define a range of: child dimensions.

Child Dimension Sublevel

The From and To fields define a range of: child dimension sublevels.

Accumulate Period Values

If this check box is selected, LN accumulates the period values and prints the total year values.