Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000)

This functionality is specific for Japan.

Use this session to view and maintain monthly billing invoices.

Note: When printing the monthly billing invoice, an overview of the tax amounts is printed for a tax code in the report. Also, when the Multiple Registration Types check box is selected in the Global Registration Parameters (tctax2100m000) session, the monthly billing invoice is generated or printed for a registration.

On the View menu, you can point at Sort by to select various sorting orders for the monthly billing invoices.

To display or maintain the details of a monthly billing invoice, double-click a line in the overview session. The Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) details session starts. You can enter or change monthly billing invoice details if no invoices are linked to the monthly billing invoice and the monthly billing invoice status is Generated.

To create a new monthly billing invoice, click New. You can then enter the details in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) details session.

To view the invoices or to select invoices for a newly created monthly billing invoice, select the monthly billing invoice and on the appropriate menu, click Open Entries Linked to MBI. The Open Entries Linked to MBI (tfacr4502m000) session starts.

To delete a monthly billing invoice, select the monthly billing invoice and on the click Edit menu, click Delete. The monthly billing invoice status must be Printed or Deleted.

To set the status of a monthly billing invoice to Deleted, on the appropriate menu, click Set MBI status to Deleted. The monthly billing invoice status must be Generated. You can use this command for monthly billing invoices that you do not want to process.

Field Information

Monthly Billing Inv. No.

The monthly billing invoice document number.

Invoice-to Business Partner

The invoice-to business partner for which you generated the monthly billing invoice.

Statement Date

The monthly billing invoice contains open entries with document dates equal to or earlier than this date.

Invoice Currency

The invoice currency used for the monthly billing invoice.

Statement Amount

The currently open amount.

LN calculates the statement amount as follows:

statement amount = amount billed in current period - (amount received + written off payment differences + return and discount amount +  amount settled with purchase invoice)
Billed in current period

The total invoice amount of the current period.

LN calculates this amount as follows:

statement amount = sum of open invoice amounts - sum of sales correction amounts

The monthly billing invoice status.


You have generated or manually created the monthly billing invoice in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session. You can enter or change the monthly billing invoice details if no invoices are linked to the monthly billing invoice. You can add or remove invoices from the monthly billing invoice.


You have confirmed the monthly billing invoice in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session. You cannot add or remove invoices from the monthly billing invoice. You can print a final invoice to send to your customers. If required, you can reverse the confirmation and change the status to Generated.


You have printed a final invoice in the Print Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4401m000) session. You cannot change the status or make any changes to the monthly billing invoice. If required, you can reprint the final invoice. In the Archive/Delete Fully Paid Sales Invoices (tfacr2260m000) session, you can delete the invoices linked to the monthly billing invoice. In the Remove Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr2261m000) session, you can remove the monthly billing invoice.


You have used the Set MBI status to Deleted command in the Monthly Billing Invoices (tfacr4501m000) session. LN has removed the invoices that were linked to the monthly billing invoice. You can click Delete to delete the monthly billing invoice.

Not Applicable

The monthly billing invoice does not have any of these statuses.

Closing Method

The closing method of the monthly billing invoice.

Previous MBI Number

The number of the previous monthly billing invoice generated for the business partner.

From-Document Date

The first day of the period for which the monthly billing invoice was generated.

To-Document Date

The last day of the period for which the monthly billing invoice was generated.

Opening Balance

The open payable amount for the invoice-to business partner in the invoice currency on the first day of the period covered by the monthly billing invoice.

The opening balance is equal to the closing balance of the previous monthly billing invoice in the invoice currency for the business partner.

Amount Received

The total amount received from the business partner during the period, including advance and unallocated receipts.

Pay.Diff Written off

The total payment differences amount written off on payments by the business partner during the period.

Return and Discount Amount

The sum of credit notes, discounts, and late payment surcharges for the business partner generated during the period.

Settle with purchase invoice

The sales invoice amount that was set off against purchase invoices from the same business partner.

If the customer also acts as your supplier, sales invoices can be settled with purchase invoices.

Closing Balance

The open payable amount for the invoice-to business partner in the invoice currency on the last day of the period covered by the monthly billing invoice.

Tax Amount

The sum of the tax amounts on the open invoices and credit notes included in the monthly billing invoice.

Shifted tax amounts are not considered.