Reminder Data (tfacr3100s000)

Use this session to maintain the data for reminder letters.

In this session you must define:

  • The interest percentage to be charged because the invoice is overdue.
  • The layout of the letter, such as line length and the date format.
  • The language of the letter.

Select the Header or the Footer check box to

attach the header or footer text.

Field Information

Letter Number

Enter the letter number linked to the reminder data.

When LN prints reminders, letter number one is taken for the first reminder, letter number two for the second reminder, and so on.

The reminder letter number, uniquely defines the degree (level) of the reminder. Letters with ascending numbers must have stronger reminder texts. The letter number also indicates how many reminder letters have already been sent to a business partner.


Enter the code of the language in which the reminder letter must be written.

Note: Reminders are written in the business partner's language.
Interest Percentage

Specify the percentage the business partner has to pay as interest over the open amounts for which the reminder has been created.

The interest amount printed on the reminder is not posted. The interest is calculated starting from the due date up until the day the reminder is printed. It is calculated as follows:

Interest = Open due amount * (Reference Date - Due Date) / 360 * Interest percentage / 100


Indicate the size of the characters printed on the reminder letter.

Number of Columns

Indicate the number of positions allowed on one line to print the information.

Allowed values

You can enter three fixed lengths of the lines:

  • 80
  • 132
  • 200
Date Format - Text

Select the format of the date which is printed on the text of the reminder. For example, 01-03-2003, 01 March 2003, or 2003-03-01

Date Format - Statement Details

Enter the format of the date printed on the invoice lines of the reminder.

Text Window Option

The screen type used to record the reminder text. It is used to define the number of characters you can print on a line.

Enter the number of characters to be printed on each reminder line. In order to enter an appropriate number, you must define the text window format in the Text Windows (tttxt1520m000) session.


If this check box is selected, a header text is present with this reminder letter. LN selects the check box after you enter a text.


If this check box is selected, a footer text is present with this reminder letter. LN selects the check box after you enter a text.

To enter a footer text, click Text and select Footer Text.