Business Partner Payments - Order Information by Payments (tfacp6502m100)

Use this session to view invoice/order details for business partner payments.

Field Information

Original Payment ID

The transaction ID:

  • For check payments and check anticipated payments, the check number.
  • For trade notes payable (TNP), the trade note number.

The values of the Original Payment Document and Payment Document fields match, unless an anticipated payment step or an advance/unallocated payment is reversed. In that case, the original payment document matches the document that is reversed.

The value of the Payment Document field matches the actual payment document, and is used to zoom to the appropriate General Ledger transactions.

Bank Relation

The bank relation from the anticipated payment or TNP.

Payment Method

The payment method that was used to create the anticipated payment or the TNP.

Original Payment Company

The company in which the transaction was created.

Original Payment Document

The transaction type, document number, and line number of the original payment.

Pay-to Business Partner

pay-to business partner

Anticipated Payment Status

The current status of the payment: Anticipated, Rejected, or Paid.

Planned Payment Date

The document date, the check date, or the maturity date in case of a trade note payable (TNP).

Payment Amount

The payment amount.


The payment currency.

Sequence Number

A generated number that is incremented for each consumption line.

Invoice Company

The company where the invoice was created.

Invoice Document

The transaction type, document number, and line number of the invoice document.

Invoice Document

The transaction type, document number, and line number of the invoice document.

Schedule Number

The number of the payment schedule.

Supplier's Invoice Number

The invoice number used by the business partner.

Payment Procedure Step

The receipt step of the payment document corresponding to the current document. Applicable only for anticipated payments, normal payments, assignments, and TNPs.

Payment Batch

The payment batch from the automatic payment process or the TNP process.

Invoice-from Business Partner

invoice-from business partner

Top Parent Business Partner

The top parent business partner of the current structure. This can be the top parent business partner of the Pay-to Business Partner field.

Document Type

The type of the original document, for example, Purchase Invoice, Sales Credit Note, or Standing Order.

Invoice Date

invoice date

Financial BP Group

financial business-partner group

Order Company

The company from which the order originates.


The purchase order number.

Order Position

position number of an order line

Order Sequence

sequence number


The currency in which the matched amount is expressed.

Matched Quantity

The invoiced quantity.


The unit in which the matched quantity is expressed.

Payment Terms

The payment terms defined on the invoice.

Payment Terms

The payment terms defined on the invoice.

Discount Amount in Payment Currency

The discount that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Payment Currency

The late payment surcharge that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Payment Difference Amount in Payment Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Withholding Tax Amount in Payment Currency

The withholding tax that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the payment currency.

Discount Amount in Invoice Currency

The discount that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Payment Difference Amount in Invoice Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Payment Difference Amount in Invoice Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Withholding Tax Amount in Invoice Currency

The withholding tax that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the invoice currency.

Invoice Currency

The invoice currency or original document currency.

Discount Amount in Local Currency

The discount that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Late Payment Surcharge Amount in Local Currency

The late payment surcharge that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Payment Difference Amount in Local Currency

The payment difference that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Withholding Tax Amount in Local Currency

The withholding tax that is applied on the current payment from the invoice in the local currency of the payment company.

Finalization Run Number

The journal number, given during the finalization of transactions, to which the batch with transactions was finalized.

Finalization Date

The date on which the batch is finalized in the Finalization Run Number (tfgld1609m000) session.

Invoice/Schedule Amount

The invoice or schedule amount.

Invoice Currency

The invoice currency or original document currency.


The amount in the currency of the related document.


The transaction currency of the related document.

Amount in Invoice Currency

Amount in invoice currency or original document currency.

Amount in Local Currency

The amount in the local currency of the payment company.


local currency

Order Quantity in inventory unit

The number of items purchased.

Order Date

order date

Order Type

order type

Delivery Terms

delivery terms

Planned Delivery Date

planned delivery date

Purchase Statistics Group

statistics group

Purchase Unit

purchase unit

Unit Price

unit price


The currency in which the purchase price is expressed.

Purchase Price Unit

purchase price unit

Price Origin


Discount Present

If this check box is selected, a discount applies.

Purchase Order Type

purchase order type

Buyer Order


The buyer's name.

Packing Slip

The packing slip number of the receipt sequence linked to the invoice.


The receipt number linked to the purchase invoice.

Receipt Line

The receipt sequence number linked to the purchase invoice.

Consumption Inspection Sequence

The consumption inspection sequence number linked to the invoice.

Consumption Sequence

The consumption sequence number linked to the purchase invoice.

Due Date

due date

First Discount Amount

The first discount date.

Shipping Date

The date on which an item was shipped.

Receipt Date

receipt date

Self-billed Order

If this check box is selected, the order was created by self-billing.

The number of the contract.
Contract Position Number

position number of a contract line

Contract Purchase Office

purchase office

Expiration Date

expiry date

Effective Date

effective date




The buyer's name.


The contract price.


The contract currency.

Purchase Price Unit-Contract

purchase price unit

Effective Date Contract Price

The first date on which the contract price takes effect.

Transaction Date Contract Price

The transaction date for the contract price.

Revision Contract Price

contract price

Price Book

price book

Price Book Break Type

break type

Effective Date

The first date on which the price book takes effect.

Price Book Expiry Date

The first date on which the price book no longer applies.

Min / Max Quantity

The minimum or maximum quantity defined in the price book.

Quantity Unit

The unit in which the quantity is expressed.


The price defined in the price book.


The currency in which the price is expressed.

Price Unit

price unit


The item on the order line.

Order Line Tax Code

tax country

tax code

Invoice Currency

invoice currency

Exempt Reason Code

reason code

Exempt Certificate Number

tax exemption certificate

Ship-to Address



The address name.

Name 2

Part two or any other additional text of the Name field.


Line 1 of the address.

Line 2 of the address.

The city of the address.
The state or province of the address.
Zip Code
ZIP/postal code
The country to which goods are shipped.
Ship-from Address


The address name.
Name 2

Part two or any other additional text of the Name field.


Line 1 of the address.

Line 2 of the address.

The city of the address.
The state or province of the address.
Zip Code
ZIP/postal code
The country from which goods are shipped.