Print Invoice-from Business Partner Aging Analysis (tfacp2420m000)

Use this session to print an aging analysis for the invoice-from business partners.

The aging analysis is printed for the period until the As on Date/Month on the Options tab. This date is the aging analysis date.

On the first tab, you must define your selection range.

On the second tab, you must:

  • Set several options to control the way the aging analysis is performed and printed.
  • Define the period range.

If a payment schedule is linked to invoice, LN prints each payment schedule line on a separate line of the report.

Field Information

Selection Range
Financial Company

The From and To fields define a range of: financial companies.


The From and To fields define a range of: countries.


The From and To fields define a range of: areas.

Financial Business Partner Group

The From and To fields define a range of: financial business partner groups.

Invoice-from Business Partner

The From and To fields define a range of: invoice-from business partners.

Search Key

The From and To fields define a range of: search keys.

Payment Method

The From and To fields define a range of: payment methods.

Home Currency

home currency

Reporting Currency Group

reporting currency group

Use Euro Instead of EMU Currencies

If this check box is selected, amounts in EMU currencies are printed in euros.

Aging Analysis Code

By default, this field contains the aging analysis code defined in the Default Aging Analysis field of the ACP Parameters (tfacp0100m000) session. This default value may be overwritten. LN will then print the invoices related to the code selected in this field. This code must have been recorded in the Aging Analysis Data (tfacp0540m000) session.

Based on

The age of the selected invoices is measured from the invoice dates. This means that the invoice is included in the analysis after it is created.

If you select Due Date, the selected invoices are included in the aging analysis if their due dates are expired. This date can be same as the invoice date; however, if installments have been defined for an invoice within the selection, the dates will not match.

Document Date

The document date of the invoice.

Due Date

The due date of the invoice.

Selection By

The invoices for which you want to print the aging analysis are selected on the basis of the dates linked to the invoices selected.

If you select Fiscal Period, the purchase invoices are selected on the basis of the financial period in which the invoice dates fall. This results in a wider selection than if you select Document Date.

Document Date

The printed balance is based on the document date, the date on which the invoice is created.

Fiscal Period

The printed balance is based on the fiscal period.

Invoice documents to be included
Additional options
Print Summary Only

If this check box is selected, only the subtotals appear on the report.

Include Anticipated Payments in Invoice Balance

If this check box is selected, anticipated payments are included in the appropriate purchase invoice balances, provided they belong to the specified selection.

Note: To print anticipated payments, select the Anticipated Payments check box.
Include Trade Notes in Invoice Balance

If this check box is selected, trade notes are included in the appropriate purchase invoice balances, provided they belong to the specified selection.

  • This option refers to trade notes that do not have the Replace Invoice by Trade Note check box selected in the Trade Note Types (tfcmg0516m000) session. By default, the trade notes with Replace Invoice by Trade Note check box selected are included in balances and printed on reports.
  • To print trade notes, select the Trade Notes check box.
From Payment Procedure Step

If either Include Anticipated Payments in Invoice Balance or Include Trade Notes in Invoice Balance is selected, indicate the procedure step starting from which the anticipated payments or trade notes must be included in the invoice balance.

Other documents to be printed
Include Withholding Tax

If this check box is selected, the aging analysis includes withholding tax applied to advance payments.

From Payment Procedure Step

If either Anticipated Payments or Trade Notes is selected, you can indicate the payment procedure step starting from which the anticipated payments or trade notes must be printed on the report.

Dates and Periods
As on Date/Month

This field can only be accessed if you selected the period type Days or Fiscal Periods for the selected aging analysis code in the Aging Analysis Data (tfacp0540m000) session. Specify the reference date for printing the aging analysis. This means that the age of an invoice is calculated from this date.


If the Selection By field is Invoice Date, the reference date is 31-12-2012 and the date on the selected invoice is 01-09-2012, the age of the invoice is 122 days.

As on Date/Month

This field can only be accessed if you selected the period type Months or Fiscal Periods for the selected aging analysis code in the Aging Analysis Data (tfacp0540m000) session. Specify the year of period related to the reference date for printing the aging analysis. This means that the age of an invoice is calculated on the basis of the year entered here.


If the Selection By field is Invoice Date, the reference date is 31-12-2012 and the date on the selected invoice is 01-09-2012, the age of the invoice is 122 days.

Period Separator

The separator between the year and the period.

As on Date/Month

This field can only be accessed if you selected the period type Months or Fiscal Periods for the selected aging analysis code in the Aging Analysis Data (tfacp0540m000) session. Specify the period related to the reference date for printing the aging analysis. This means that the age of an invoice is calculated on the basis of the period entered here.


If the Selection By field is Fiscal Period, the period of the reference date is 09-2012 and the selected invoice falls within the fiscal period 12-2012, the age calculated by the system is 3 months (if a fiscal period is equal to a month).

Last Invoice Date/Period

This field can only be accessed if the Selection By field is Document Date. Otherwise, the field will be skipped. Specify the date to be used as final invoice date for the aging analysis. This means no invoices may be selected whose dates are later than the date in this field.

Last Invoice Date/Period

This field can only be accessed if the Selection By field is Fiscal Period. Otherwise, the field will be skipped. Specify the final fiscal year for the invoices whose aging analysis must be printed. This means no invoices may be selected whose dates are later than the fiscal year in this field.

Last Invoice Date/Period

This field can only be accessed if the Selection By field is Fiscal Period. Otherwise, the field will be skipped. Specify the final financial period for the invoices whose aging analysis must be printed. This means no invoices may be selected whose dates are later than the financial period in this field.

Last Payment Date/Period

This field can only be accessed if the Selection By field is Document Date. Otherwise, the field will be skipped. Specify the last payment date for the invoices whose aging analysis must be printed. This means no invoices may be selected whose last payment dates are later than the date in this field.

Last Payment Date/Period

This field can only be accessed if the Selection By field is Fiscal Period. Otherwise, the field will be skipped. Specify the period related to the last payment date of the invoices for which you want to print the aging analysis. This means no invoices may be selected whose last payment dates are later than the fiscal year in this field.

Last Payment Date/Period

This field can only be accessed if the Selection By field is Fiscal Period. Otherwise, the field will be skipped. Specify the period related to the last payment date of the invoices for which you want to print the aging analysis. This means no invoices may be selected whose last payment dates are later than the fiscal period in this field.

Dimension Ranges

If this check box is selected, you can specify the dimension range.


The From and To fields define a range of: dimensions.

Sort By
Dimension Type

Select the dimension type by which the report must be sorted.