Match Landed Cost Line Partially or with Price Difference(tfacp2254s000)

Use this session to match an invoice to landed cost line by changing the landed cost amount or the invoice amount.

Field Information


The transaction type, part of the invoice identification.


The document number that is part of the invoice identification.

Logistic Company

logistic company

Packing Slip

packing slip


The document number of the receipt transaction.

Note: This field is enabled only if the Interest Invoice Selected Based On is set to a value other than Unpaid Invoices in the Interest Invoice Related Data (tfacr5101s000) session.

Receipt Line Number

The line number used for postings in the General Ledger .


The order number.

The order line.

The order sequence number.

Business Partner

invoice-from business partner

Business Partner

The business-partner name.

Net Amount

The net invoice amount.

Matched Amount

The amount on the invoice that was already matched to purchase orders or receipts.

Matched Landed Costs

The landed cost amount that was already matched.

Entered Transactions

The total amount of the cost item and additional costs transactions entered for this invoice in the Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000) session. To enter transactions for an invoice, on the appropriate menu, click Add Costs.

Costs to be specified Transactions

The transaction amount in case the item group has the Costs to be specified check box selected in the Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000) session.

Costs to be specified

The amount in case the item group has the Costs to be specified check box selected in the Item Groups (tcmcs0123m000) session.

Amount Unassigned

The invoice amount that is still unassigned to landed cost lines. If this amount is zero, you have completely matched the invoice.


The currency in which the amount is expressed.

Landed Cost Amount

The landed cost amount expressed in the landed cost currency.

Matched Amount

The landed cost amount that is matched.

Amount Unassigned

The landed cost amount that is still unassigned to invoices. If this amount is zero, you have completely matched the landed cost lines.

Totally Matched

If this check box is selected, the landed cost lines are fully matched.

Matched Landed Cost Amount to Other Invoices

The landed cost amount matched to other invoices, expressed in the invoice currency.

The landed cost amount matched to other invoices, expressed in the landed cost currency.

Landed Cost Amount

Enter a landed cost amount expressed in the invoice currency.

The landed cost amount to be matched, expressed in the landed cost currency.

Invoice Amount

Enter an invoice amount expressed in the invoice currency.

The invoice amount to be matched, expressed in the landed cost currency.

Update Average/Last Purchase Price

If this check box is selected, the average and latest landed cost prices in the Item Actual Landed Costs (tclct3600m000) session are updated.