External Integration Transactions

Now, the system is ready to receive financial integration transactions from an external source.

One of the most obvious methods to import external transactions into the Financials integration transactions tables, is to make use of an exchange scheme, as was done for previous LN versions.

The following sections list the requirements for the logged transactions.

These database tables are involved:

  • Integration transactions (tfgld482)
  • Logged elements (tfgld481)
  • Unmapped/unposted integration transactions (tfgld487)
  • GL code by integration transaction (tfgld486), if GL codes are involved

Integration transactions must be logged in pairs (in tfgld482): a credit transaction and an accompanying debit transaction. Both transactions will be stored in the same financial company, which is the financial company of the credit transaction (this is important for intercompany postings). Both transactions must be assigned the same GUID (see below). The transactions will refer to the same unmapped/unposted data in (tfgld487).

Each integration transaction can have a set of related logged elements (tfgld481). If the integration transaction has a GL code attached, an additional row must be stored in (tfgld486).

If a GL code is used, the mapping scheme will be bypassed in determining ledger account and dimensions, and the transactions will be posted to the ledger account and dimensions defined for the GL code.

Logged elements (tfgld481)

This table contains the logged elements by integration transaction, which elements will be used for mapping of the integration transaction.

Field Description Format Domain Mandatory * Comments
guid globally unique identifier str(22) tcguid Yes soft reference to tfgld482.guid
dbcr debit/credit indicator enum tfgld.dbcr Yes soft reference to tfgld482.dbcr
seqn sequence number int(4) tcpono Yes sequence number to extend the primary key; initial 30 elements must be stored in row with sequence number 1, next 30 elements in row number 2, and so on.
elcd element codes str(12) (array) tfgld.elcd Yes each element (softly) refers to tfgld456.elcd; elements with empty values do not need to be logged
elva element values str(50) tcelva Yes belongs to tfgld481.elcd

* For external data, this setting may be different from the table field’s property.

Unmapped/unposted integration transactions (tfgld487)

This table contains the integration transactions pairs, and will be used during mapping and posting. This table is a parent table of tfgld482.

Field Description Format Domain Mandatory * Comments
guid globally unique identifier str(22) tcguid Yes = tfgld482.guid
sint transaction status enum tfgld.ints Yes value: tfgld.ints.logged
ocmp source logistic company int(3) tcncmp Yes = tfgld482.ocmp
fcom credit financial company int(3) tcncmp Yes the credit transaction’s financial company
rbon business object str(17) tcbona Yes = tfgld482.rbon
idtc integration document type str(8) tcidty Yes = tfgld482.idtc
trdt transaction date utc date tcdate Yes = tfgld482.trdt
usgr financial user group str(6) tfgld.usgr No = tfgld482.usgr
crdt creation date utc date tcdate Yes = tfgld482.crdt

* For external data, this setting may be different from the table field’s property.

GL code by integration transaction (tfgld486)

This table shows the GL code that was used in an integration transaction.

Field Description Format Domain Mandatory * Comments
guid globally unique identifier str(22) tcguid Yes = tfgld482.guid
dbcr debit/credit indicator enum tfgld.dbcr Yes = tfgld482.dbcr
fcom financial company int(3) tcncmp Yes = tfgld482.fcom; soft reference to tfgld475.fcmp
glco GL code str(50) tcglco Yes soft reference to tfgld475.glcd

* For external data, this setting may be different from the table field’s property.