Item Actual Purchase Prices (tdipu1500m100)

Use this session to view actual purchase prices by item.

Note: Together with the average purchase price, the average landed cost is used to determine an item's standard cost.

Field Information



Latest Purchase Price Transaction Date

The most recent date on which the item's purchase price was changed.

Average Purchase Price

The average purchase price, which is based on cumulative purchases or on the current inventory, as specified in the Method of Calculating Average Purchase Price field of the Purchase Order Parameters (tdpur0100m400) session.

Purchase Currency

purchase currency

Note: When the purchase currency is changed, prices are automatically recalculated.
Latest Purchase Price

The purchase price that is displayed on the most recent invoice received for the concerned purchased item.

Cumulative Purchase Receipts

The quantity of cumulative receipts based on which the average purchase price is calculated.

Note: You can reset the cumulative purchase receipts in the Equate Balance of Receipts with Inventory Level (tdipu0201m000) session.
Purchase Price Unit

purchase price unit

Note: When the purchase price unit is changed, prices are automatically recalculated.
Average Landed Cost

An item's average landed cost, which is based on cumulative purchases or on the current inventory, as specified in the Method of Calculating Average Landed Cost field of the Landed Costs Parameters (tclct0100m000) session.

Latest Landed Cost

An item's latest landed cost.

Cumulative Purchase Receipts

The quantity of cumulative receipts based on which the average landed cost is calculated.

Note: You can reset the cumulative purchase receipts in the Equate Balance of Receipts with Inventory Level (tdipu0201m000) session.