Saving files to PLM - best practices

Saving to PLM draws heavily on your configuration’s resources. To save system performance, you are recommended only to save to PLM when updating the associated PLM documents, items, and files is actually required. For routine saves, use local save options.

In addition, the PLM Check in and Save and Unlock commands also save your data to PLM. Therefore, if the goal of your current session is to check in or save and unlock your part file, you can save your file locally from time to time and complete working on your file by checking in or using Save and Unlock.
  • It is recommended to use the same folder for both EDIT and VIEW operations; for all users. Same EDIT and VIEW folders allow PLM to improve the download performance.
  • It is recommended to frequently perform the Synchronization operation when you work with large assemblies. Synchronization operation allows you to identify the files modified in PLM. You can use the command Refresh Files from PLM to download the modified files.