Mask Management

Mask is an object that defines the rules to set a value for identifying an attribute in PLM. This is mostly used for the attributes that are part of the object key and require a unique value. You can use Masks (pdadm6501m000) session to access the mask.

Infor PLM for Discrete enables you to generate unique identification keys automatically for objects. The keys are initialized and incremented by masks either by using the mask or by manual entry. The use of masks makes the process of creating the PLM object more efficient and consistent.

If you assign a mask as the default mask for an object ID, this mask generates values for the same object ID over all projects for which no specific mask has been assigned.

After a mask is defined for a particular object ID, whenever you add a new object of the same type, the current key value, such as DOC-01, is assigned to the ID. Each time an ID value is specified based on the key, the key is incremented according to the mask increment rule definition, for example, DOC-02, DOC-03.

Note: Masks are also defined for Documents Key, Document Revision, File Key, and File revision.

By Default, Masks can be defined for these tables:

Object Table Attribute with Mask Definition
ITEM pdpdm100 ikey
ITEM REVISION pdpdm100 revi
DOCUMENT pdpdm200 dkey
DOC REVISION pdpdm200 revi
FOLDER pdpdm300 fkey
FOLDER REVISION pdpdm300 revi
FILE pdpdm500 fkey
HARDCOPY pdpdm210 hkey
FILE VERSION pdpdm500 vrsn
BPDEMO pdwfl100 eoid
CATEGORY pdadm500 catg
ITEM DEFAULTS pdadm552 tmpl
FILE DEFAULTS pdadm556 tmpl
BOM DEFAULTS pdadm553 tmpl
FOLDER DEFAULTS pdadm555 tmpl
MATERIAL REVI pdpdm400 revi
MATERIALS pdpdm400 mkey
BP DEFAULTS pdpdm558 tmpl
BP ASSOCIATE pdwfl111 asid
WORKFLOW ROUTE pdwfl200 rout
ROUTE STEP pdwfl203 step
ROUTE LINE pdwfl204 inst
EO COMMENT pdwfl114 cmid
EO ROUTE LINE pdwfl121 inst
EO ROUTE STEP pdwfl122 step
IMPACT ANALYSIS pderp014 anid
IMPACT CONFIG pderp011 conf
MARKUP KEY pdpdm510 mkid
MARKUP VERSION pdpdm510 mver
MODIFICATION ID pdpdm600 moid
SEARCH QUERY pdcom002 sqry