Save to PLM checks Pro Model Check result

Creo has a utility called Model Check. This performs various checks on the models in Creo. This creates a parameter on the file to indicate if the Check has found any errors. Parameter Name is MC_ERRORS and it contains the integer value. 0 ( Zero ) indicates no errors. > 0indicates errors. During Save To PLM of the Part or Assembly file, integration should read this value and save the part file only if the value of this parameter is Zero. If this is non-zero, then give a message and stop the process.

To implement this feature, select Action to be taken when MC_ERROR has non zero value preference.

If MC_ERRORS parameter has value other than “zero” the behavior for these three options is as follows:

  • Ignore: Save/Check-in operations continue without any error messages even if MC_ERRORS has non-zero value.
  • Allow SaveToPLM only: Only “Save To PLM” and “Save and Unlock” operations are allowed. Check-in is not allowed.
  • Restrict all: All the three operations Save/Save and Unlock/Check-in are restricted.

The error message is displayed and process is stopped if any part/assembly in the structure is found to have MC_ERROR value not equal to zero and if the integration preference is set Restrict All.