Download of Large Structures

The Download of Large Structures category in the PLM Integration Preferences dialog box provides the following preferences:
  • Resolve missing Content Center files during Download.
  • Skip replace references of component files During Download.
  • Update CAD structure which are out of date with respect to their driving entities.
  • Skip Save of root file after Download.
  • Defer automatic updates to drawings during Download.
  • Skip CAD and PLM structure comparison.
Resolve missing Content Center files during Download

If a Content Center file is downloaded from PLM using the Edit File option instead of the Edit File in Integration process, used in an assembly, and the assembly is saved to PLM, the assembly is linked to the Content Center file with FamilyName_FileName.ipt name. During the Edit File in Integration process, the assembly may display these content center files as Unresolved, because these files are moved to Content Center library location, and file FamilyName_FileName.ipt is no longer available.

If this preference is selected during the Edit File in Integration process, PLM identifies all the missing content center files in the assemblies and includes the actual files from Content Center library.

To improve the performance, do not select this preference when Content Center files are downloaded using the Edit File in Integration process.

Skip replace references of component files During Download

When you download a structure from PLM during the Edit File in Integration process, without selecting this preference, PLM updates the reference links (pointing to the files in original location) with the new links referring to the files in download directory.

If this preference is selected, PLM does not update the reference links. As long as there is only one copy of a file in the current Inventor project and the work directory and Edit/View directory are the same, you can select this preference to improve the performance during the Edit File in Integration process.

Update CAD structure which are out of date with respect to their driving entities
If this preference is checked during Edit File in Integration, Integration updates all the files that are outdated with respect to their driving entities, in the structure. If this preference is not selected, PLM does not update the files.
Skip Save of root file after Download
If this preference is not selected, at the end of “Edit File in Integration” process, after root file is opened in Inventor, PLM Integration saves the root file if it is dirty. If this preference is checked during, Integration does not perform save on root file even if is the file is dirty.
Defer automatic updates to drawings during Download

When a drawing is opened in Inventor, if drawing is not up-to-date with the associated model, Inventor automatically updates the drawing and this process can take long time to open drawing file.

If this preference is checked, at the end of Edit File in Integration process, integration opens the drawing by deferring updates to it. Since drawing is opened by deferring updates, the Defer Update icon appears in the browser after drawing file is opened in Inventor.

To Enable automatic updates in a drawing the following steps need to be performed.

  1. With the drawing active, click Tools tab Options panel Document Settings to access the Document Settings dialog box.
  2. On the Drawing tab of the Document Settings dialog box, clear the Defer Updates check box.
  3. Click OK to close the Document Settings dialog box.
Skip CAD and PLM structure comparison

If this preference is checked, as part of Edit File in Integration process, Integration compares local CAD structure and PLM structure to check if there are any differences between both the structures. A structure in PLM can vary from the CAD structure, as a result of Copy Product Structure.

If this preference is not selected, PLM integration does not compare CAD and PLM structures and are assumed to be same.