Navigating through the Physical Breakdown screen and changing the physical breakdown

Windows devices:

To expand an individual item to show its child items, click on the expand option. Alternatively, expand or collapse all child items by using the Expand and Collapse icons in the bottom bar.

To show the physical breakdown of the top serialized item to which the selected serialized item belongs, click the Top Item icon in the bottom bar.

To add an item to the physical breakdown, select the serialized item you want to add a child item to and click Add in the bottom bar.

To delete an item (including its child items) from the physical breakdown, select the item and click Delete in the bottom bar.

To change an item, select the item, and click Edit in the bottom bar.

To drill down to the serial history of a selected serialized item, click Serial History in the bottom bar.
Note: You can only change a physical breakdown in Mobile Service if the Authorized to Update Physical Breakdown option is selected in the Service User Template (tsmdm1160m000/tsmdm1660m000) that is linked to your Service User Profile (tsmdm1150m000).

Android/iOS devices:

To navigate upwards and downwards through the physical breakdown use the left and right arrows on the root item and child items of the physical breakdown.

To show the parents of an item all the way up to the top serialized item select the Show Parents option from the context menu, and optionally navigate to any parent level.

To add an item to the physical breakdown, select Add from the context menu of the serialized item to which you want to add a child item.

To delete an item (including its child items) from the physical breakdown, select Delete from the context menu of the item that you want to delete.

To change an item, select Edit from the context menu of the item that you want to change.

To drill down to the serial history of a serialized item, select Serial History option from the context menu of that item.
Note: When the physical breakdown is opened from the Materials screen, it will be opened in the context of the service order when option Update Physical Breakdown from Service Order Material in session Service User Templates (tsmdm1160m000) session is set. When this is the case, direct changes to the physical breakdown are not possible. Instead, other options are available. Through these options items can be removed, removed items can be replaced and items can be installed. For more details on this option see paragraph Updating Physical Breakdown through Service Order Materials in chapter Register Material.