Visit Report Layout

The layout of the generated visit report and its contents is based on a visit report template. A default visit report template is supplied with Mobile Service, but it is also possible to customize the visit report template. Refer to Appendix B and C for creating a customized visit report template.

The layout of the default visit report includes amongst others:

  • The service department address, service order, date and assigned engineer
  • The location address
  • The comments from the engineer and the customer
  • The signatures of the engineer and the customer

For each activity, the default visit report contains:

  • The activity description
  • The used materials
  • The labor details
  • The other Costs details
  • The diagnosis information

The cost lines contain quantities or hours and may also contain amounts. The value of the costs amounts is not displayed if a coverage is applicable. In this case the coverage reason is displayed (Warranty, Contract, Quotation or Discount). Amounts of material costs are not displayed if the logistic procedures are not yet completed in LN, such as the issue from inventory. In this case the amount is displayed as Unavailable.