Model Definition

In the Master Data, you set up a framework in which business models can be created and maintained. However, to build a business model you must create various model items that comprise a project model or reference model.

  • Repository

    The buildings blocks to create a business model are set up in the repository. From this repository you can select what is needed to create a business model.

    The main building blocks in the repository:

    • Business Control Diagram

      A graphic design that illustrates the primary process that is performed within an organization and the business functions that are used to control that process.

    • Business Process

      A graphic design representing the steps the users must perform to realize a business objective.

    • Support applications

      A list of applications that can be linked to a process or a process step to ensure the user has enough information to carry out the process/activity.

    • Roles

      Except for support applications, you can link text to all model items to provide them with more information. This text can be created both in the repository and in the business model

  • Business function

    The building blocks of the business control diagram. Represents high level business activities

  • Wizards

    Functionality that guides the user in implementing LN functionality. Wizards are linked to business functions.

  • Enterprise structure models

    The enterprise structure model shows the multicompany structure of an organization.

    The multicompany concept consists of enterprise units that contain entities that belong to the same financial and logistic company. An enterprise unit’s entities must belong to the same logistic company, but a logistic company can be linked to multiple enterprise units. Because enterprise units can be located worldwide and use their own currency, a logical company can include multiple countries.

  • Business Models

    A business model is a generic term for both a reference and a project model. Both models are built from a collection of model items created in the repository.

    • A reference model represents a line of business or business typology.
    • A project model represents a customer specific model.
  • Data models

    A data model is a diagram that illustrates the permanent storage components and their structures on multiple abstraction levels. A Permanent Storage Component is a database table.