GDPR anonymization

To comply with the GDPR right to erasure, you can anonymize personal data.

Anonymize means that names, addresses, and so on are made unrecognizable by replacing letters with asterisks or other symbols that the user can select.

Also, if you anonymize a record, data without referential constraints that is related to the record is deleted. For example, if you anonymize a business partner record, related data such as Notes and Activities is deleted. See GDPR anonymization - deleting related data.

Referential constraints are constraints because of links to other data. Deleting data with referential constraints would make the linked data inaccessible and corrupt the database.


To use the anonymization functionality, in the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session, select the Anonymization check box and select an anonymization character in the Anonymization Character field. Consequently, the Anonymize command is available in the sessions listed below.

To use this functionality, users require full authorization.


You can anonymize personal data in these sessions:

  • Business Partner (tccom4100s000)
  • Business Partners (tccom4500m000)
  • Addresses (tccom4130s000)
  • Addresses (tccom4530m000)
  • Contacts (tccom4540m000)
  • Contact (tccom1640m000)
  • Employee 360 (bpmdm0101m100)
  • Employees (bpmdm0601m000)

Anonymizing personal data

To anonymize data:

  1. Select a contact, business partner, address, or employee.
  2. On the appropriate menu:
    • select Anonymize to anonymize personal data Infor ERP LN, or
    • select Anonymize and Report to generate a report, a certificate and anonymize personal data.
  3. Click Yes in the dialog prompting you to confirm or cancel the anonymization.

Consequently, LN does the following:

  1. Replaces letters with anonymization character in fields such as name and address fields. The anonymization character is specified in the Anonymization Character field of the COM Parameters (tccom0000s000) session.
  2. Clears the values in the fields, such as calendar codes, zip codes, or dates of birth. .
  3. Removes pictures.
  4. Sets the life cycle statuses to Inactive.
  5. Deletes the data without referential constraints that is related to the personal record. For example, if you anonymize a business partner record, related data such as Notes and Activities is deleted. See GDPR anonymization - deleting related data.

You cannot undo the anonymization and the deletion of the related data of an individual's personal data. To restore anonymized data, you must specify new information in the anonymized fields and re-create the related data that was deleted.

The Anonymize command is unavailable if a restriction is applicable for an employee record. If a restriction is applicable for a buy-from or a sold-to business partner, a message is displayed and the anonymization process is cancelled.