Maintenance in Infor LN
The following sections describe sessions that allow to configure Intrastat parameters and to generate a declaration, as well as auxiliary sessions that support the process.
- Configuring Intrastat
- Creating declaration header
- Generating declaration lines
- Validating and correcting errors
- Exporting declaration
Polish Localization Parameters (lppol0100m000): In order to prepare an Intrastat declaration in Polish Localization, it is essential to set Intrastat parameters in the session Polish Localization Parameters (lppol0100m000).
Harmonized System Codes (tcmcs0128m000): The session allows to enter harmonized system codes with the report unit of measure. The codes have to be created according to the dictionary provided by the legislator. You need to assign the code to Items (tcibd0501m000).
Update Intrastat Dictionaries (lppol0250m000): The session allows to update the dictionaries that are used to validate data when declarations are generated. Before you generate the first declaration and after the Legislator has changed dictionary data, you need to run the update.
Intrastat Transactions (tccom7171m000): The session allows to browse and modify data related to the transactions to be reported in Intrastat. In the session, it is possible to check e.g. item codes in Infor LN in order to assign them to the valid harmonized system code. The records in the described session are generated automatically on confirming the shipment or receipt for the transactions that have to be reported.
If it is required to add entries to the declaration manually, perform it in the session. The entries will be retrieved to the declaration in the generate data step.
Intrastat Declarations (lppol0150m000): The session allows to create and edit the Intrastat declaration header to which the lines with transactions will be added in the next step.
In order to create a new declaration, add a new record in the session and specify information as shown below. In the case of multi-company environment, declarations have to be created in the appropriate financial company.
Intrastat Declarations (lppol0650m000): The session starts when you open declaration details by double-clicking its record.
The session allows to generate and validate data, as well as to browse and modify transactions which will be included in the declaration. In this session, it is possible to generate, validate and export the declaration – use the Actions menu (described in the next section of the documentation).
Generate Declaration (lppol0250m100): After creating the declaration header, generate transactions that will be included in the declaration. You can perform it in the session Intrastat Declaration Lines (lppol0650m000) by using the Generate option from the Actions menu. The system will fill the declaration with data that are shown in the session Intrastat Transactions (tccom7171m000).
After the lines are generated (and the Validate parameter is unselected), the declaration will obtain the status To be Validated.
If the generating session is started from another level than that of the particular month, you will have to specify the range of months for which data have to be generated.
Validate Declaration (lppol0250m200): In order to check the correctness of the generated data, use the Validate option from the Actions menu in declaration lines or declaration header.
If the generating session is started from a level other than that of the particular month, you will have to specify the range of months for which data have to be generated.
If transactions contain errors after the validation, a validation error report will be generated. It will list the errors that have to be corrected, and the declaration will acquire the status Validation Error.
The first record in the report indicates that the value in the field “Country of Origin” in the declaration is missing and it must be filled. The subsequent errors are of the same type.
The last record in the above fragment of the report indicates that the value (OTH) in the field “Terms of Delivery” is invalid and it has to be changed in accordance with the values provided by the dictionary of delivery terms.
If the declaration contains a significant number of errors, it is recommended to use the standard method of exporting declaration data to Excel (all the data for export), which is available in the session, then correct the data in Excel, and finally use the standard import data option (without the Overwrite option) to upload the correct data.
Export Declaration (lppol0450m000): To generate the declaration as an XML file, you have to pass the validation process successfully, so that the declaration obtains the Validated status. Having the status in place, use the Export option from the Actions menu in declaration lines or header.
After generating the selected file, the user will be notified that the file has been prepared and that it is possible to download it.
Such a file is ready for submission to the relevant institution.
Declaration Adjustment (lppol0150m000): Two types of declaration adjustment are available: replacement and correction.
In order to prepare a declaration adjustment, you need to create a declaration header in the session Intrastat Declarations (lppol0150m000) by selecting the relevant declaration type, depending on the adjustment method.
In order to create a declaration that replaces the previously generated declaration, use the Replacement option when generating the declaration header, and then proceed as if you were creating a regular declaration. The declaration will include all the lines from the original declaration.
In order to create a declaration that corrects the previously generated declaration, use the Correction option when generating the declaration header, and then proceed as if you were creating a regular declaration. With this method, the system in the validation step will remove all the declaration lines that have not changed in comparison with the original declaration, and only the lines with differences will be left. The remaining steps are the same.