D3 challans - process
To create the D3 challans, execute these steps:
- Select Service > Depot Repair > Maintenance Sales Orders. The Maintenance Sales Orders (tsmsc1100m000) session is displayed.
- Click Go to Details for a maintenance sales order. The Maintenance Sales Order (tsmsc1100m100) session is displayed.
- Click New on the Part Maintenance tab to create a part maintenance line.
- Select the part maintenance line and click Release.
- Verify that the part maintenance line is selected and click References > Related Orders. The Maintenance Sales Order Part Line - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000) session is displayed.
- Select the warehouse order of the type Receipt and click Actions > Status Overview. The Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session is displayed.
Select Actions > Receive. The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000)
session is displayed.
Verify the receipt number for which the D3 challan is generated.Note: If the D3 Applicable check box is selected in the Indian Logistic Parameters (lpind0100m100) session, the D3 challan is also created along with the warehouse receipt.
- Select the line for the receipt line in the in the Receipt Line Localization Details (lpind1112m000) session and click References > D3 Challans. The D3 Challan (lpind1516m000) session is displayed.
- Review the details of the D3 challan generated for the goods received for repair..
Click Confirm Receipt in the
Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session.
After the confirmation of receipt, the work order is created for the repair.
- Select Service > Depot Repair > Work Orders. The Work Orders (tswcs2100m000) session is displayed.
- Click Go to Details. The Work Order (tswcs2100m100) session is displayed.
Process and close the work order generated for the repair.
When the work order is closed, a warehouse order of the type Issue is created to ship the repaired goods to the customer.
- Select the part maintenance line is selected and click References > Related Orders. The Maintenance Sales Order Part Line - Related Orders (tsmdm4500m000) session is displayed.
- Select the warehouse order of the type Issue and click Actions > Status Overview. The Outbound Line Status Overview (whinh2129m000) session is displayed.
- Execute the outbound activities and click Actions > Freeze/Confirm. The Shipment Lines (whinh4131m000) session is displayed.
- Select the shipment line on the Shipments tab and click References > Loads. The Load (whinh4640m000) session is displayed.
- Select the load and click References > Load-India. The Load (lpind1640m000) session is displayed.
- Click Go to Details for the challan on the Challans tab. The Challan (lpind1635m000) session is displayed.
- Click Create Lines to create the challan lines.
Select the created challan line on the Challan Lines tab and click Actions > Link D3 Challan. The Shipments by D3 Challan (lpind1118s000)
session is displayed.
Infor LN automatically links the created D3 challans that exists for the part maintenance line. You can also modify the Shipped Quantity of the linked D3 challan and link or unlink the D3 challans.Note: When the Shipped Quantity is modified or link/unlink the D3 challan, the corresponding Shipped Quantity is updated in the D3 Challan (lpind1516m000) session.
Set the Challan Status to Complete. After the D3 challans are linked
properly according to the Shipped
Quantity, confirm the shipment.
The D3 challans must be linked while goods are shipped back to the customer.Note: You can set the Challan Status to Complete, if the Shipped Quantity and the linked D3 challan quantity are not matched.