Sales Invoice Process

Based on the regulations of Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax related to issuing of an invoice, a sales invoice must include this data:
  • Invoice Date - The date on which the invoice is issued
  • Delivery Date – The date on which the goods are delivered. If the invoice issue date is different from the delivery date, this date is used to identifying the tax period.
  • Document Number – The unique alphanumeric code used to generate document number
  • Buyer Data: The name, address, and tax number of buyer
  • Vendor Data: The name, address, and tax number of the vendor
  • Description of the goods sold or services performed
  • Quantity of the goods sold or services performed
  • Net Unit Price - The unit price of the goods or services (without the tax amount)
  • Net Sales Value - The sale value of the goods or the services performed, without the tax amount
  • Tax Rate and Amount – The total amount on which the tax is calculated and the rate on which the tax is calculated
A sales invoice can also include this optional data:
  • Harmonized System Code – If items belongs to the Reverse Charge taxation category, it is recommended to use this information on invoices
  • Payment Method
  • Due Date
In special scenarios, these fields are mandatory to be included on sales invoice:
  • Buyer EU tax number – In case of sale within community without VAT
  • Customer EU tax number – In case of member of EU community
  • Exchange rate and VAT amount in local currency - In case of non local currency,
  • The words “fordított adózás” (“reverse charge procedure”) – In case the customer is liable for payment of VAT
  • The words “önszámlázás” (“self-billing”) - In case the customer receiving a supply of goods or services is issuing the invoice;