Invoice Process
Normal invoicing procedure is expanded with upload. When the final invoice is printing the online XML upload is take place.
The upload itself is a two phase communication where the standard IDs are used to get a “token” and the decoded token is used during the real upload. The XML formatted Sales Invoice information is embedded in a request as a non-encrypted envelope message. The business information can’t be altered as it is CRC secured together with the token and timestamp. There is a very limited time for the usage of the token so the invoice must be uploaded right after the token is available. Automating Upload for invoice printing.
The requirement is to upload the Invoice information at the time the invoice is Issued (=Printed).
The successful technical upload of an Invoice is not the end of the requested communication. The status must be retrieved and present to the user. That needs a new communication cycle as the evaluation of the invoice is asynchronous to the upload and the authority has the right to provide the go/no go status within a not strictly specified delay (3-5 seconds). The query can be started from the same session. If there was no xml or upload they are done in the background. The query may yield the following result types: OK, WARNING, ERROR and texts explaining the outcome. As it is hard to perfectly decode all possible error situations the program now makes it possible to read/print the evaluation reply as it is stored in the log file.
The log file is stored in the location specified as LOGPATH parameter.