Print Chart of Accounts – Additional Data Colombia - General Ledger and Balance Book

The values per account or item of the transactions of the respective period are recorded in summary form. Starting from the balances of the previous period, the values of the debit and credit movement of the respective period (daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly) are shown and then the new balances are recorded, which will be the basis as previous balances for the following period. These items correspond to the totals recorded in the journal and the final balance of the same month.

Generates the balances of all accounts for the desired period.

  • Financial company: The field is only informative, it shows the current financial company where the report is generated.
  • Year: Applicable year for the report. Goes to the Fiscal years (tfgld0556m000) session.
  • Period: Range of the period for the report. Goes to the Periods (tfgld0105m000) session .
  • General ledger account: Range for the general ledger account. Goes to the Chart of Accounts (tfgld0508m000) session.
  • Sublevel: Sublevel of the general ledger account.
  • Date: Date of printing of the report.
In this session two reports are presented, the first option corresponds to the General Ledger and Balance Book.
Code Description Path
lpcol0411m001 Print Chart of Accounts – Additional Data Colombia Localization/ Colombia / Legal Reports/ Print Chart of Accounts – Additional Data Colombia - General Ledger and Balance Book

report selection general ledger and balance book

general ledger and balance book