Receive the third party return fiscal note

To receive the third party returns fiscal note, the purchase order activities must be executed using these steps:

  1. Select the purchase order line on the Order Lines tab in the Purchase Order (tdpour4100m900) session.
  2. On the specific menu, click Status. The Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session is displayed.
    1. Verify that the purchase order is automatically released to Warehousing.
    2. Click Execute to process the receipt. The Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session is displayed.
  3. On the specific menu, click Receive. The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session is displayed.
    1. Select the receipt line on the Lines > Receipt tab.
    2. On the specific menu, click Create Brazilian Invoice. This option generates the receipt invoice in the Match Receipt Lines Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
  4. In the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session, select the receipt line on the Receipts tab.
    1. On the specific menu, click Mark to Link to select the receipt line to link with the fiscal document. The Linked check box is selected and the User field is updated with the login ID of the user.
    2. Ensure that the receipt line is selected.
    3. On the specific menu, click Link Receipt Line. The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session is displayed.
  5. In the Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session, specify this information:
    1. Issue Date, Fiscal Document, Series, and the Document Type fields
    2. Click Link. The process is completed and the fiscal receipt document is generated with the fiscal reference number.
  6. In the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session, click the Go to Details button for your fiscal receipt document. The Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m900) session is displayed.
    1. Verify that the Receipt Fiscal Document Type is set to Shipment Return-to Third Party in the Document Data section
    2. The Line Type is set to Industrialization on the Receipt Lines tab.
    3. Create a line for the payment of material provided by the subcontractor manually on the Receipt Lines tab.
    4. Click the Go to Details button for the receipt line on the Receipt Lines tab. The Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session is displayed.
  7. In the Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session, ensure that the Third Party Return tab displays the amounts related to symbolic return of submitted materials.
  8. Verify that the receipt line is selected on the Receipt Lines tab in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m900) session
    1. On the specific menu, click Process Link Confirmation.
  9. Verify that the return line displayed on the Third Party Return tab of the Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session is added to the Receipt Lines tab with the Line Type set to Return.
  10. Verify that the balance of the third-party returns is updated in the Receipt Relationships by Invoicing (btfdc1110m000) session.
  11. Verify that the fiscal note document is selected in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session.
  12. On the specific menu, click Approve/Integrate to approve the fiscal note and integrate with the purchase order.
    Note: The approval of fiscal note releases the physical inventory to the third party warehouse.
  13. Click the Go to Details button for the line on the Payable Receipts > Quantities tab of the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session. The Purchase Payable Receipts (tdpur4130m000) session is displayed.
  14. Verify that the Fiscal Reference number is updated in the Packing Slip field of the Payable Receipt section on the General tab. This fiscal reference number is used for the automation of invoice matching process.