Issue of Complementary Sales Invoice
To issue the complementary sales invoice:
- Access the Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session, specify the retro-billed sales order in the third segment of the Source Document field and click .
- Select the billable line of the retro-billed sales order on the Billable Lines tab and click . The Invoice Status is updated to Ready to Print.
- Select the invoice line on the Invoices tab and click . The Invoice Status is updated to Submitted to External System.
- Access the Fiscal Documents 360 (lpbra3600m000) session, specify the retro-billed sales order in the third segment of the Source Document field and click .
- Verify that the generated fiscal reference number displays in the Fiscal Reference field on the Fiscal Documents tab.
- Access the Invoicing (btsli2100m000) session and click the button for your invoice of the retro-billed sales order. The Invoicing (btsli2100m900) session opens.
- Verify that the fiscal reference number of the original sales order displays in the Related Fiscal Reference field on the Lines tab.
- Verify that your invoice is selected in the Invoicing 360 (btsli2100m000) session and click . The Compose/Print/Post Invoices (btsli2200m100) session is displayed.
- Verify that Print check box is selected and click to print the electronic invoice. The Transferred Fiscal Documents Report is generated.
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing 360 (btsli2100m000) session and click . The Process NFe Return (btnfe8220m000) session is displayed.
- Review the data and click Authorized Electronic Fiscal Document report is generated, and the invoice is integrated in the Tax Engine. . The request is created for the return of electronic invoice, the
- Verify that the invoice is selected in the Invoicing 360 (btsli2100m000) session and click . The Financial Integrations (btsli2100m910) session is displayed.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Posted.
- Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Approved by External System on the Invoices tab in the Invoicing 360 (cisli3600m000) session.
- Select the invoice and click to generate the document in accounts receivable (ACR) create the entries.
- Access the Accounts Receivable 360 (tfacr2560m000) session, select the business partner, and click in the Documents section. The Invoice-to Business Partner Open Entries (tfacr2520m000) session is displayed.
- Select the open entry and click Document History – Transaction Lines (tfgld0618m200) session is displayed. . The
- Review the transactions that are not finalized on the Non-Finalized Transaction Lines tab.