
The matching process must be performed manually. To perform the matching process, execute these steps:

  1. Access the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session and click New to create a batch for the transaction.
  2. Click New on the Transaction Types tab and select API in the Transaction Type field.
  3. Click Go to Details button for the API transaction type. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
  4. Select Cost Invoice in the Invoice Type field because the origin of the transaction is not purchase order.
  5. Specify the business partner in the Business Partner field of the General section and the total value of the document in the Amount field of the Amounts section.
  6. Create a transaction on the Transactions tab to specify the ledger postings and the related values and click Save.
  7. Verify that the Amount Unassigned is updated to 0.00 and the Invoice Status is Transactions Entered.