Matching of return order
To match the invoice with the return purchase order, create a purchase invoice with the APC transaction type and perform the matching process manually.
- Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session.
- Select APC (with Transaction Category of Purchase Credit Notes and Transaction Subcategory of Credit Notes) in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
- Click Go to Details for the APC transaction type. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session is displayed.
- Verify that Invoice Related to Purchase Orders is selected in the Invoice Type field.
- Select the return purchase order in the Order field of the Order section and specify the updated amount in the Amount field.
- Select Actions > Matching > Match Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session is displayed.
- Select the return purchase order line and click Match Selected Orders. The Invoice Status is updated to Matched and the Amount Unassigned is updated.
- Select the appropriate ledger account in the Ledger Account field to report taxes on the full amount of the payment schedule on the Additional Costs tab to match the remaining unallocated balance.
Verify that the Amount Unassigned is updated to 0.00 and click Approve to approve the invoice. The Invoice
Status is updated to Approved and the matching process is complete.
Note: If the business partner who purchased the item does not generate a credit note, the business partner can generate an ACR document manually.
- Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session.
Select APA (with Transaction Category of Purchase Corrections and Transaction
Subcategory of Assign Credit Note) in the Transaction Type field and press Tab.
Note: This process is used to write off the original purchase order using the credit note generated with the purchase return to supplier process.
- Click Go to Details for the APA transaction type. The Assign Credit Notes to Invoices - Search window is displayed.
- Select the business partner in the Business Partner field, the transaction type in the Transaction Type field, the credit note document number in the Document field and click OK. The Assign Credit Notes to Invoice (tfacp2120m000) session is displayed with all the credit notes generated for the business partner.
- Select the credit note and click Actions > Select Credit Note Schedules for Assignment. The Select Credit Note Schedules for Assignment (tfacp2125m000) session is displayed.
- Select the credit note schedule and click Actions > Link Credit Note Schedules to Invoices. The Link Credit Note Schedules to Invoices (tfacp2126m000) session is displayed.
- Select the invoice of the original document that must be paid and click Actions > Assign Invoice Schedules to Credit Note. The Link Credit Note Schedules to Invoice Schedules (tfacp2127m000) session is displayed.
- Specify the amount to be linked in the Linked Amount in Invoice Currency field, select the schedule line and click Actions > Confirm Assignment to Schedules. The Link Credit Note Schedules to Invoices (tfacp2126m000) session is displayed.
- Select the invoice line of the original document and click Assign. The Document Numbers (tfcmg2114s000) session is displayed.
- Specify the series for the document in the Document Series field and click OK. The credit note corrections document is created.
- Access the Accounts Payable 360 (tfacp2560m000) session, select the business partner and click Open Entries in the Documents section. The Invoice-from Business Partner Open Entries (tfacp2520m000) session is displayed.
- Review the open entry transaction of the business partner and verify that the balance is updated for the invoice of the original document on the Balances tab.
- Verify that a transaction related to tax corrections of the return to supplier with Tax Correction selected in the Variance Origin field is generated and automatically processed in the Inventory Variances (whina1516m000) session.
- Verify that the tax variances generated in the Receipt Order Tax Variances (lpbra1143m000) session are reversed when processing the return invoice of the supplier and these entries are displayed on the Tax Variance Details tab.
- Verify that the appropriate financial document is generated to correct tax variances and is updated in the Document field on the Posting Details tab.
- Review the appropriate transactions generated in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session that are used for reconciliation purposes.