Purchase Order Matching

Execute the matching process related to the purchase order manually and update the value of the document including the applicable taxes.

  1. Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session and select API in the Transaction Type field.
  2. Click Go to Details for the API transaction type. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session opens.
  3. Select Invoice Related to Purchase Orders in the Invoice Type field.
  4. Select the original purchase order in the Order field and Press Tab. The application populates the data in the other fields of the invoice header.
  5. Review or specify the amount in the Amount field in the Amounts section and click Save.
  6. 6 Select Actions Matching Match Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session is displayed.
  7. Select the purchase order line and click Match Selected Orders.
  8. Verify that the Invoice Status is updated to Matched and the Amount Unassigned is updated in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.
  9. Specify the postings related to taxes on the Additional Costs tab and verify that the Amount Unassigned is updated to 0.00.
  10. Click Approve to approve the purchase invoice and complete the matching process. The Invoice Status is updated to Approved.
  11. Verify that the invoice matching is completed and the MAUC [BRL] (by Warehouse) is updated in the Inventory Receipt Transactions (whina1512m000) session.
  12. Verify that the variances related to the taxes corrections of the order are updated in the Inventory Variances (whina1516m000) session.