Process the fiscal receipt

  1. Access your purchase order in the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session.
  2. Select the order line on the Order Lines tab.
  3. Click References > Landed Costs by Purchase Order. The Landed Cost Lines for Purchase Order (tclct2100m300) session is displayed.
  4. Specify the amounts updated in the Import Declaration (DI) in the Fixed Amount for the landed cost lines.
  5. Click Approve to process the purchase order and execute the receipt activities.
  6. Verify that the order line is selected on the Order Lines tab and click References > Status. The Purchase Order Line Status (tdpur4534m000) session opens.
    Note: Verify that the purchase order is released to Warehousing.
  7. Click Execute. The Inbound Line Status Overview (whinh2119m000) session is displayed.
  8. Select Actions > Receive. The Warehouse Receipt (whinh3512m000) session opens.
  9. Select the order line on the Lines > Receipt tab.
  10. Click Actions > Create Brazilian Invoice to submit the receipt line to the Tax Engine, the receipt lines are released the fiscal document is generated in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
  11. Select the receipt line on the Receipts tab in the Match Receipt Lines to Fiscal Document (btrec1101m000) session.
  12. Click Actions > Mark to Link
  13. Click Actions > Link Receipt Line. The Link Receipt Line to Fiscal Document (btrec1200s100) session is displayed.
  14. Specify the pre-fiscal receipt number in the Fiscal Reference (pre-receipt) field.
  15. Click Link. The fiscal receipt document is generated using a pre-fiscal receipt.
  16. Click the Go to Details button for your fiscal receipt generated using the pre-fiscal receipt in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session. The Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m900) session is displayed.
  17. Verify that the header information is automatically populated based on the purchase importation document.
  18. Click the Go to Details button for the receipt line on the Receipt Lines tab. The Receipt Lines – Details (btrec2101m900) session is displayed.
  19. Review the taxes details of the receipt on the Receipt Lines – Taxes tab.
  20. Verify the amount in the Cost Price field of the header section.
  21. Review the amounts of the other expenses in the Freight and Insurance fields on the Others tab.
  22. Verify that the fiscal receipt document is selected in the Fiscal Receipt (btrec2100m000) session.
  23. Click Actions > Approve/Integrate to approve the fiscal receipt document and integrate with the order. The warehouse receipt associated with the purchase order is confirmed.
  24. Verify that the fiscal reference number is updated in the Packing Slip field on the Receipt > Quantities tab in the Purchase Order (tdpur4100m900) session.
    Note: This fiscal reference number is used in the matching process.
  25. Review the journal entries generated in the Integration Transactions (tfgld4582m000) session that are generated on the approval of the fiscal document.
  26. Verify that the Receipt Order Tax Variances (lpbra1143m000) session is updated with the lines related to the value of the IPI tax as the fiscal receipt document includes the entries related to IPI tax that impacts the cost of the product.
  27. Verify that two lines are generated from the mapping scheme and the account defined in the ledger search matrix respectively on the Ledger Account tab.
  28. Verify the Posting Details tab displays the financial document number that is generated based on the tax variances.