Purchase Order Matching

The purchase order must be matched manually.

  1. Click New on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session
  2. Select API in the Transaction Type field. The Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.
  3. Select the purchase order created for the cost item in the Order field and Press Tab. The application populates the data in the other fields of the invoice header.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Select Actions > Matching > Match Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session is displayed.
  6. Select the purchase order line
  7. Click Match Selected Orders.
  8. Verify that the Invoice Status is set to Matched and the Amount Unassigned is 0.00 in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session.
  9. Select Actions > Matching > Match Order. The Match Purchase Order Lines (tfacp2541m000) session is displayed.
  10. Select Actions > Cost Items. The Matched Purchase Invoice/Statement Line Transactions (tfacp1133s000) session is displayed.
  11. Specify the ledger account of type investment (for fixed assets) in the Ledger Account field on the Document tab.
  12. Review the received quantity in the Quantity 1 field and fixed asset details in the Asset Number and Asset Extension fields on the Period tab.
  13. Specify the posting data on the Additional Costs tab in the Purchase Invoice Entry (tfacp2600m000) session to create the journal entries manually.
  14. Click Approve to approve the purchase invoice for the invoice matching process.
  15. Select your API transaction type line on the Transaction Types tab in the Transactions (tfgld1101m000) session.
  16. Click Finalize.
  17. Review and close the generated journal report documents.
    • After the finalization of the batch, the asset is created in Fixed Assets (FAM) with a Status of Entered. The asset data is specified in LN but the asset is not capitalized and is not depreciated.
    • An asset cannot be manually deleted if originated from an investment transaction in Accounts Payable or General Ledger or the current cost and the current amount or are greater than zero.
  18. To capitalize an asset, select your asset in the Assets (tffam1500m000) session.
  19. Click Actions > Capitalize. The Capitalization (tffam1200m000) session is displayed.
  20. Review the data and click Capitalize. The Asset Status is updated to Acquired. This indicates that the asset is eligible for depreciation.
    Note: You can create an adjustment transaction to edit the asset data and a disposal transaction to initiate the exclusion process for the asset.