To receive the material sent by the customer in the beneficiation process (third party from shipment)

Create a fiscal document type code of third party from shipment in the Fiscal Document Type Code (lpbra0101m000) session with this data:
  • Transaction Origin – set to Inbound
  • Receipt – set to Third party-From Shipment
  • Invoicing – set to Not Applicable
Create a fiscal document type matrix in the Fiscal Document Type Code Matrix Definition (lpbra0102m000) session with this data:
  • Transaction Origin – set to Inbound
  • Source Type – set to Not Applicable
  • Order Origin – set to Purchase
  • Select the item group of furnished materials (005) in the Item Group field of the Item section
  • Select Yes in the Customer Furnished Material field of the Item section
  • Select the fiscal document code of type third party from shipment in the Fiscal Document Type Code field of the Search Data section