Document Rendering and Distribution (ttrpi3210m000)

Use this session to render and distribute documents. This session is executed as a job, or started manually by a system administrator. You can select a range of companies and documents for processing, and handle multiple server, that is, bshell, processing.

Note: If this session is used in a distributed application servers (AS/MAS) setup, you must run this session on the Master Application Server (MAS).

You can start this session from the command prompt.

To start the session, use this command:

  • On UNIX/Linux:

    bshell6.2 -server ttrpi3210m000 <options>

  • On Windows:

    ntbshell -server ttrpi3210m000 <options>

You can use these options:

Option Explanation Default value when not present
-d Run as Daemon. Runs continuously if the ‘-dt’ option has the default value. No. Run once.
-dt x Daemon running time. The daemon runs for 'x' minutes. 0
-s x Additional Servers. 'x' contains number of additional servers. 0
-wt x Query Wait Time 'x' seconds. 0
-mincomp x Minimal Company number. 0
-maxcomp x Maximal Company number. 999 or 9999
-mindoct x Minimal Document Type. “”
-maxdoct x Maximal Document Type. “ZZZZZZZZZZZZ”
-ui Show User Interface if possible. No UI

Field Information

General Options
Run as Daemon

This check box indicates whether this session should run as a daemon. If the session does not run as a daemon, the execution stops after the selected range has been processed.

If the daemon time-out is not specified or zero, the session runs continuously. When running in a job, the job does not stop. When running manually, the session stops if you click Cancel in the progress bar.

Daemon Time-out (min)

The time-out in minutes. This field is enabled if Run as Daemon is selected.

If you specify 0, the session runs continuously.

If you specify a value greater than 0, the session automatically stops rendering after the specified time-out. The session is not closed. This is useful if the session runs in a job, because otherwise the session would not stop. Because of this time-out, the session can be restarted in a job every hour.

Number of Additional Servers

The number of additional servers, that is, bshells, to start.

Allowed values


Query Wait Time (sec)

If the session runs as a daemon, this field indicates how long the session waits after the selection has been processed. After the wait time, a check is run whether new documents to be processed are created.

Document Selection

Company selection range, with zoom feature to companies of the current package combination. Companies within the range that are not linked to the current package combination are skipped.

Batch ID

Start Date and Batch ID selection range.

Document ID

Document ID selection range.

Document Type

Document Type selection range.

The batches with a specific document type that are within the document type selection range are handled by the engine.