Print Solution/Patch by Update VRC (ttpmc2401m000)

Use this session to print detailed information of solutions and patches in update VRCs.

Specify the a range of update VRCs, solutions/patches and statuses to select the solutions and/or patches that must be printed. The output shows the solutions by update VRC, their status and the patch that contains these solutions.

Field Information

Update VRC

update VRC


The unique identification code of the solution or patch within the base VRC.




If this check box is selected, the components linked to the individual solutions in the selected ranges are also printed using data from the Components by Solution (ttpmc120) table.


If this check box is selected, the solutions linked to the patches in the selected ranges are also printed using data from the Solutions and Patches (ttpmc100) table.


If this check box is selected, the dependencies for the solutions in the selected ranges are also printed using data from the Dependencies (ttpmc140) table.