File Manager (ttfmafileman )

Use this session to browse and manage files and folders on the file system in the folder where LN is installed.

Among other things, you can upload and download files from and to the client environment. For details about the actions you can perform in this session, see Actions.

You can start the session from the Tools > Device Management menu. Alternatively, you can start the session through the Options > Run Program command in LN UI.

Folder access

You can only access folders in the LN environment. All other folders are inaccessible:

  • Super users can access these files and folders in the LN environment:
    • Appdata
    • Audit
    • Images
    • Tmp
    • Eme
    • Pmc
  • Normal users can access the Appdata folder in the LN environment.
Note: To extend or overrule the default folder access authorizations, you can define and activate File Manager permissions in the File Manager Permissions (ttfma1500m000) session.

log for locking

An AWS folder is created with the name AWS_S3_admin. This folder is a read-only folder and contains other folders that the file manager receives from the portingset. The sub folders are accessible. The File Manager (ttfmafileman) can open the logging files generated by the "Log for locking" mechanism and downloading these files is more convenient.

The logging for locking data is stored in this folder: /AWS_S3_admin/tmp/lock_logging

The tmp sub folder is a folder with 30 day retention. Amazon deletes files older than 30 days.


The session consists of these panes:

  • The left pane shows a tree structure of the LN environment.

    To expand a folder, double-click the folder or click the arrow icon that is displayed before the folder name.

    To collapse a folder, double-click the folder or click the arrow icon that is displayed before the folder name.

    Click a folder to select it. The contents of the folder are shown in the pane on the right.

  • The pane on the right shows the contents of the folder that you selected in the pane on the left.

Session toolbar

This table shows the components in the session toolbar:

Component Description
Back button (left arrow icon) Navigates back to the previous folder. Similar to the Back button in Windows Explorer.
Next button (right arrow icon) Similar to the Forward button in Windows Explorer.
Update the screen button (circular arrow icon) Refreshes the contents on the screen.
Actions button Shows a menu with various commands. See Actions.
Upload button Shows a menu with upload commands. See Actions.
Create Folder button Starts the Create Folder dialog box where you must specify a folder name. The new folder is created in the current folder.
Directory path (breadcrumbs) The full path of the current folder is displayed. You can click a folder name in the path to navigate to that folder. Similar to the directory path in Windows Explorer.
? button Shows the online help for the session.
Settings button (gear icon) Shows a menu with commands to store and retrieve personalizations.

Right pane

You can use the input fields in the header row to filter data in the grid. For details, see the Infor LN UI User Guide.

You can sort the rows in the grid. Click a column header to change the sort mode to unsorted, ascending, or descending. If you sort the Name column, then the folders and files are sorted separately. For example, when the sort mode is ascending, the grid shows an alphabetically sorted list of folders followed by an alphabetically sorted list of files.

Click the small Settings button (gear icon) in the header row to open a menu with these commands:

  • Show Filter Row
  • Column Personalization

The grid shows 200 rows at most. If there are more files or folders, then you can use the paging options at the bottom of the pane. Click the arrow buttons to navigate to the first, previous, next, or last page. Alternatively, type a page number and press Tab or Enter.

For folders in the grid, a folder icon with an arrow inside is displayed in the second grid column. Click this icon to open the folder so that the contents of the folder are displayed.


This table shows the actions that you can perform:

Menu Description
Grid shortcut menu To open this menu, select one or more rows in the grid and right-click. The menu contains these commands:
  • Download. Downloads the selected items to your computer. If you selected multiple files or a folder, then the files or folder are automatically compressed before the download.
  • Create Folder. Starts the Create Folder dialog box where you must specify a folder name. The new folder is created in the current folder.
  • Compress to <filename>. Compresses the selected items and stores them in a zip file.
  • Copy/Move To: Opens a menu with the Copy To and Move To commands. Both commands start a dialog box where you can create and select a destination folder. You can specify to skip or overwrite existing files in the destination folder.
  • Cut. Places the file on the clipboard. The file is removed from the current folder. Similar to the Cut command in Windows Explorer.
  • Copy. Copies the file to the clipboard. Similar to the Copy command in Windows Explorer.
  • Paste - Overwrite. Paste a file from the clipboard into the current folder. When a file with the same name exists, that file is overwritten.
  • Paste - Skip. Paste a file from the clipboard into the current folder. When a file with the same name exists, the paste action is canceled.
  • Delete. Deletes the file. Similar to the Delete command in Windows Explorer.
  • Rename. Starts a dialog box where you can rename the file.
  • Properties. Shows the properties of the file.
Actions menu To open this menu, click Actions in the session toolbar. This menu is similar to the grid shortcut menu. First select one or more files in the grid. Then select the desired action.
Upload menu To open this menu, click Upload in the session toolbar.

The menu contains these commands:

  • Upload - Skip. Uploads files from your computer to the LN server. Starts the Upload File dialog box. Click Browse to select a source folder. Optionally, click Add to add a folder. All files that you select are uploaded to the same destination folder on the LN server. When a file with the same name exists in the destination folder, the upload action is canceled.
  • Upload - Overwrite. Similar to Upload - Skip, but If a file with the same name exists in the destination folder, then that file is overwritten.
Tree shortcut menu To open this menu, right-click a folder in the tree.

The menu contains these commands:

  • The commands from the grid shortcut menu, except the Compress to <filename> command.
  • Upload: contains the commands from the Upload menu.