Print Messages (ttcmf1400m000)

Use this session to print messages by specifying ranges on the LN ID, External ID, Service Name, Application Name and Time Stamp.

Field Information

Service Name

The service name from the Services (ttcmf0130m000) session. The application shown in Application Name controls which eMessage Connector services it handles.

Application Name

The Tools session name of the application that sent or handled the message.

Time Stamp

The date and time (UTC) that the message was originally obtained by eMessage Connector.

Message Direction

Select the message direction: inbound (to the bshell) or outbound (from the bshell). Inbound messages are stored in the inbox subdirectory of the message storage directory. Outbound messages are stored in the outbox subdirectory of the message storage directory.


The current status of the message, from the point of view of the connector.

Infor ERP Message ID

The unique message ID of the message in LN. The LN message ID corresponds to the directory name where the serialized message components are stored. The message ID is a 40 character string max. The first 10 characters is the UTC date and time (number of seconds since Jan 1, 1970 converted to a string) followed by a ".". The next five characters are the bshell pid (mod 99999) followed by a ".". The next three characters are the bshell process ID (mod 999) followed by a ".". The next three characters are a counter in case of multiple transactions per second (max 999) followed by a ".". The last characters are the first few characters of the machine's hostname.

External/Original ID

The unique message ID of the message in the external system. This is only filled if the message originated in the external system.