Print Multi Language Application Data (ttadv4438m000)

Use this session to print the content of a selected multilanguage field.

You can select a field and a Data Language. The contents of the field are printed in both, the selected language and the Base Language.

Note: We recommend that you run this session, after new records are added in a table that contains multilanguage fields.

For details, see "Insertion and translation process" in Data translation.

To print the report:

  1. Select the package combination and the table whose records you want to print.
  2. Optionally, enter a selection range for the records to be printed.
  3. Select the multilanguage field you want to print in the report.
  4. Select the data language in which the selected field must be printed.
    Note: The contents of the field are printed in both, the selected language and the base language.
  5. Click Print.

Example- report structure

You have registered the Description (dsca) field in the Items - General (tcibd001) table as a multilanguage field.

You are working in the base language (eng) and you insert these records in the Items - General table:

Item Description
WIL01 PUR-A Purchased Item A
WIL01 PUR-B Purchased Item B
Note:  LN automatically copies the new item descriptions to the other data languages.

Then you run the Print Multi Language Application Data (ttadv4438m000) session, with these settings:

  • Package comb: <your package combination>
  • Table: tcibd001
  • Selection range: Yes, from WIL01 PUR-A to WIL01 PUR-B.
  • Field Name: dsca
  • Language: dut

This report is printed:

  ind check eng Base language ind chk dut
Index:   WIL01 PUR-A
Field: eng No Purchased Item A eng Yes Purchased Item A
Index:   WIL01 PUR-B
Field: eng No Purchased Item B eng Yes Purchased Item B

The rows preceded by the word "Index" show the primary key, item code, of the records.

The rows preceded by the word "Field" show information on the field you selected (dsca). These rows consist of these columns, from left to right:

ind Translation indicator for the base language. Displays the data language the text in the "eng Base language" column originates from.
check Indicates whether you must check and (re-) translate the text in the "eng Base language" column. The indicator is "no", because the text was entered in the base language itself. This indicator can be "Yes", for example if you specified the descriptions in a language other than the base language. For details, see "Insertion and translation process" in Data translation.
eng Base language The item description in the base language ("eng").
ind Translation indicator for the data language you selected ("dut"). Displays the data language the text in the "dut" column originates from. The Dutch description originates from the "eng" language. The English descriptions were automatically copied to the other data languages when you inserted the records.
chk Indicates whether you must check and (re-)translate the text in the "dut" column. The indicator is "yes" because the text was automatically copied from the "eng" language. Or the description in the base language was changed after the description was specified in the selected language. You must switch to the "dut" data language and translate the text.
dut The item description in the data language you selected ("dut").

After viewing the report, you switch to the "dut" data language. Translate the item descriptions to "Inkoopartikel A" and "Inkoopartikel B" respectively. Then you print the report again. This table shows the result:

  ind check eng Base language ind chk dut
Index:   WIL01 PUR-A
Field: eng No Purchased Item A dut No Inkoopartikel A
Index:   WIL01 PUR-B
Field: eng No Purchased Item B dut No Inkoopartikel B

Default the records that are marked to check for translation are printed. This happens if no translation for the selected data language is present or the description of the base language record is changed afterwards. If all translations must be printed, then select the Ignore Translation Checks check box.

Field Information

Package Comb.

The Package combination the table fields are registered for.

Note: You can only select package combinations with a data dictionary that is equal to the actual package combination.

The package code, module code, and identification code of the table.

Field Name

The multilanguage field you want to print in the report. Zoom options are available for registered multilanguage fields and customer defined fields that are multilanguage-enabled.


The Data Language in which the selected field must be printed. The contents of the field are printed in both, the selected language and the base language.

You can zoom to the Data Languages (ttaad1111m000) session.

Ignore Translation Checks

If this check box is selected, the application data is always printed, independent of the translation checks.