Print Current Labels for Package VRC (ttadv1441m000)

Use this session to print the labels that are current for a specified package VRC.

Tools prints the latest version of each label, compared to the specified package VRC. If a label is not found in the specified VRC, Tools searches the VRCs from which the specified VRC is derived.

Field Information


The package for which you want to print the current labels.


The VRC for which you want to print the current labels.


The VRC for which you want to print the current labels.


The VRC for which you want to print the current labels.


The From and To fields indicate the range of languages in which you want to print the labels.


The From and To fields indicate the range of labels that you want to print.


The From and To fields indicate the range of lengths of the labels that you want to print.

To print all the labels, enter:

  • Zero in the From field
  • 70 in the To field

The From and To fields indicate the range of heights of the labels that you want to print.

To print all the labels, enter:

  • Zero in the From field
  • Three in the To field

If this check box is selected, Tools prints the technical documentation that is linked to the labels.