Search String (ttadv1140sfnd)

Use this session to specify the character string for which you want to search. You can enter a part of a word.

If you click OK, Tools finds the first label with a description that contains the specified string.

Tools searches the labels from the current position in the table. If you want to search all the labels, click First Records before you choose Find Pattern in Label on the appropriate menu.

To find the next label with a description that contains the specified string, choose Find Next Label with Pattern on the appropriate menu.

Note: The search is case sensitive.


Enter Passw to find the labels with a description that contains one of the following strings:

  • Passw.
  • Passwd.
  • Password

Tools finds the first label with one of these strings in the description.

Field Information

Enter the string you are looking for

The character string for which you want to search. You can enter a part of a word. You must enter uppercase characters and lowercase characters exactly as they occur in the string for which you want to search.