Font Usage Categories (ttaad3561m000)

This session shows the available font usage categories.

You can use these categories to allow fonts to be used for specific purposes. The predefined “lnreporting” category is added when the fonts are initialized. This category is used by the Report Designer (ttstppersrep ). By default, this category allows the use of fonts for which the sub-family is “Regular”.


These options are available:

Calls the library to run the Fonts by Usage Category with the default set.
Fonts by Usage Categories
Starts the Fonts by Usage Categories (ttaad3562m000) session.

Field Information


The category.

Library Code

The library that is used by the Initialize action.

Standard Category

This check box indicates whether the category is a standard category. Standard categories are predefined by LN. Standard categories are added automatically and cannot be modified or removed.