Keys by User (ttaad2556m000)

Use this session to specify from where LN should retrieve the key and certificate per user. A user can have a key on a Hardware Security Module (HSM) or in a key store on the filesystem. You can define multiple keys for a single user.


These options are available:

Incomplete Records
Shows only records that are missing data.

A record is incomplete in these situations:

  • The alias is empty and multiple entries exist for the same user.
  • The alias is empty and multiple entries exist for the same slot.
Upload User Key Store
Starts the Upload User Key Store (ttaad2256m000) session to upload a new key store for a user.
Add Missing Users with Key Store
Adds entries for all users who do not have an entry yet, but who do have a key store in the user key store path.

Field Information


The LN user that signs documents.


If this check box is selected, the key is accessed on an HSM. This option is only available if the PKCS11 implementation library is specified in the Digital Signing Configuration (ttaad2655m000) session.

If this check box is cleared, the key is accessed in a key store. This option is only available if the User Key Store Path is specified in the Digital Signing Configuration (ttaad2655m000) session.


The slot number that contains the token of this user in the HSM. This is only applicable if the On HSM check box is selected.

Key Alias

The alias, or label, of the key that should be used for signing documents. You must specify the alias if multiple keys exist in the HSM or key store.